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35.He wasn’t let ____ any housework at all when he was a child.

A. to do   B. do   C. doing   D. does


34.We won’t go to the Sand Lake if it _____ heavily tomorrow.

A. will rain  B. rained  C. is raining  D. rains


33.There are more boys in our class than in _____.

A. their  B. theirs   C. them   D. they


32.       He teacher and writer ____coming to _____ house.

A. are, Kate and Mary’s    B. were, Kate’s and Mary

C. is, Kate’s and Mary’s    D. is, Kate and Mary’s


  从下面每小题的A , B , C , D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。〈共15小题,每小题1分〉

31.Tom broke his leg. He has just had ____ X-ray examination. ____ doctor said he needed _____ operation.

A. a, The, an   B. a, A, an    C. an, The, an    D. an, A, an



老师姓名:  韩 梅   学生姓名:  李超 (注意写贺卡的格式)


Teachers' Day is coming.Miss Zhao is t (1) to her students and her students are listening to her.

“Good morning,girls and boys!” s (2) Miss Zhao.“Teachers’ Day is on S (3) 10th.I h (4) some students are going to buy presents for their teachers.They want to show their l (5) for their teachers.T (6) very good,of course.But teachers don’t like to g (7) presents from students.So please don't buy a (8).I think one Teachers’ Day card from you all is e (9).And the best present for us teachers is your good w (10).”



A:Excuse me,Madam,could you tell me ⑴  to get to the Children’s Hospital?

B:Sorry,I ⑵ .I’m new here.Please ask that man.

A:Excuse me,sir,could you tell me the  ⑶  to the Children’s Hospital?

C:Go along this street until you  ⑷  the second traffic lights. ⑸  right.At the end of

the street you’ll see the  ⑹ .

A:Can I  ⑺  a bus?

C:Sorry!There’s  ⑻  bus to go there. ⑼  ⑽  call a taxi.

A:OK!Thank you very much.

C:That’s all right.


Mary:   Hello,may I speak to Ann,please?

Mrs Read: Certainly. ⑴ on for a moment.Ann,you’re wanted on the phone.Be quick!

Ann:    Hello,this is Ann speaking.Is ⑵  Mary? Mother told me you had called me.I’m sorry I was out when you rang.

Mary:   It ⑶  matter.What was wrong with you?

Ann:    I  ⑷  a bad cold.

Mary:   Are you better now?

Ann:    Much better,Thanks.Maybe I can go to school  ⑸ .

Mary:   Please don’t!You  ⑹  stay in bed and have a good rest.

Ann:    You’re right.But I’m  ⑺  about my lessons.I don’t feel like  ⑻  behind others.

Mary:   You’ll miss some lessons  ⑼  you can catch up with us soon.I can help you,too.

Ann:    It’s very  ⑽  of you.Thanks a lot.

Mary:   That’s all right.



⒂  can  ⒃  the Chinese people  ⒄  ⒅  their country.



⑿  your time.We have already finished  ⒀  ⒁  of the work.

