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33.(    ) I had a bad cold. The doctor asked me _____ in bed.

A. staying         B. to stay            C. stayed        D. stays


32.(    ) --- We can use QQ to talk with each other on the Internet.

--- Really? Will you please show me _____ it?

A. what to use      B. how to use         C. how can I use  D. what can I use


31.(    ) --- You forgot _____ the door.

--- Oh, _____, I'll go and close it.

A. closing; so did I                       B. to close; so I did   

C. closing; nor I did                   D. to close; neither did I


28.(    ) A robot is a machine _____ can do some difficult work instead of man.  

A. who           B. it               C. that          D. what (    )29. I met Mr Green _____ I was walking across the bridge, but I didn't say hello to him.

A. before          B. after             C. until          D. while (    )30. --- Can you guess if the boy _____ earrings for his mother as a present?

 --- I think he'll buy a pair if he _____ money.         

A. buy, has        B. will buy, will have   C. will buy, has    D. buy, will have


III. 单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)


26.(    ) _____ is watching TV. Let's turn it off.  

A. Somebody      B. Anybody          C. Nobody       D. Everybody (    )27. He offered us _____ much help _____ we thanked him a lot.

A. so, that       B. too, to         C. such, that     D. enough, to




     要点:   1.中国人民勤劳友好;                 


3.2008年,奥运会(the Olympic Games) 将在北京举行,现在各项准备工作已经启动;


Dear Tom,

How time flies! Summer holidays will start. I hope you can come to China. China is one of the biggest countries in the world with a long history and a population of 1300 million.  ________________________               





Welcome to China!



A: Have you ___1___ today’s Shenzhen Evening Paper?

B: Not ___2___. What does it say?

A: It says that a pupil was walking ___3___ the street ___4___ a bus hit him.

B: Oh dear! Things ____5____ this often _____6______

in busy streets. What did the driver do ___7____ the boy ?

A: He took him to the hospital as ____8____ as possible and the doctors ___9___

on him at once.

B: How is the boy now?

A: Poor boy! Even the doctor couldn’t ___10___ him. He died five hours later.


30. The dish smells _______, but it tastes _______.

  A. terrible, well  B. terrible, good C. well, terribly D. good, terribly


29. Of course I can _____ you my story book, but you can ______ it for only three days.

  A. borrow, return  B. lend, borrow  C. lend, keep  D. lend, return

