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The more books _____________ your read, _________ you’ll get..



Fred was __________that he ____________ in the exam.


VI. 补全对话(共10分)



Richard: R  Diana: D

R: Hello, Diana! 86__________

D: Oh, hello, Richard! I haven’t seen you since you quarreled with our boss last month.

R: 87____________ we haven’t seen each other for a long time. Well, how is your family?

D: 88_____________ How about you?

R: Quite well, thank you.

D: Is it true that you’ve got a new job?

R: Yes, 89_____________

D: Then how do you like your new boss?

R: Oh, I wish she’d learn to smile more.

D: Really? 90_____________

R: Oh, she never enjoys a joke. She never laughs. It’s hard even to get a smile out of her.

A. I got it just a week ago.
B. Never,
C. Why?
D. It’s nice to see you.
E. They all look tall and strong.
F. They’re all very well, Richard.
G. Yes,

86_________   87__________  88__________  89___________  90 ___________


A: What can I do for you, sir?

B: I’m looking for a white T-shirt.

A: 91__________________________?

B: Size L.

A: Sorry. 92 __________________________.

B: 93____________________________?

A: Yes. What about the yellow one? It is very popular this year.

B: Well, it looks nice. 94 _________________________?

A: Sure. Look! It fits you well.

B: I think so. 95 ____________________________?

A: 128 yuan.

B: I really like it, though it is a bit expensive. I’ll take it.

VII. 完成句子(共20分)。



Ⅳ. 完形填空 (共15分, 每小题1分) 。


It was Christmas Eve. It was very  41  . A poor girl was selling flowers in the street. Her 42 were ill, so she had to get money for food. She felt cold and hungry. She stopped 43 front of a beautiful house. The girl 44 at the door and a man came out. She asked him if 45 needed some flowers. The man said he 46 any. She left the house and felt 47 . She sat down at the foot of a tall wall. She  48  the flowers. The flowers smelled very nice. She suddenly had a  49  feeling. She felt she was becoming 50 , and slowly she began to fly to the sky. She flew higher and higher and at last she 51 herself in the clouds. A group of people 52 to meet her. At the head of them was her granny. Granny welcomed her and asked her why she didn’t stay at home. The girl told her that she had to 53 flowers to get money because her parents were  54 . Granny told her not to 55 and gave her lots of beautiful clothes and delicious food. The girl laughed happily.

41.(  ) A. warm      B. hot      C. cold       D. cool

42.(  ) A. father          B. mother     C. brother      D. parents

43.(  ) A. in       B. on        C. at       D. of

44.(  ) A. opened     B. knocked     C. watched     D. pushed

45.(  ) A. she      B. it        C. he        D. they

46.(  ) A. didn’t want     B. wanted      C. needed     D. did need

47.(  ) A. surprised    B. happy      C. pleased     D. tired

48.(  ) A. saw            B. looked at      C. watches    D. looked up

49.(  ) A. nice      B. strange      C. bad      D. beautiful

50.(  ) A. large      B. small      C. heavy     D. light

51.(  ) A. made      B. thought      C. found     D. knew

52.(  ) A. were coming  B. were going    C. would come   D. had gone

53.(  ) A. buy       B. sell        C. use      D. grow

54.(  ) A. very well    B. very angry     C. badly ill     D. badly needed

55.(  ) A. cried      B. hurry      C. be sorry     D. worry


38.(  ) Everyone is supposed to keep _________ in the reading room.    A. quiet      B. quietly        C. quite     D. quitely (   )39. --- What did you do last night?

--- I _______ my bike fixed at home.        A. have          B. am having          C. have had  D. had (    )40. The visitors are very _____ to see so many changes _____ in Shenzhen since 1979.

 A. surprise; have been taken place        B. surprising, took place        C. surprised, have been taken place        D. surprised, have taken place


37.(  ) I’ve been working so long. I’m getting ____ of it.

A. tired         B. awful             C. afraid       D. proud


36.(    ) --- I want to teach in this area.

--- Well, teachers _____ very much here.  

A. need         B. are needing        C. are needed         D. will need


35.(    ) I _____ in this small mountain village when I was a child.  

A. use to live     B. used to living       C. used to live     D. used to life


34.(    ) She ought to stop _____. She has a headache because she _____ too long.  

A. to work, was reading               B. to work, has read

C. working, has read                  D. working, read

