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20.  A. takes      B. makes     C. cooks     D. does


19.  A. right      B. sure      C. wrong     D. great


18.  A. so        B. and          C. but          D. as


17.  A. at        B. with          C. to           D. of


16.  A. his           B. her          C. its           D. my


50. A. hello      B. goodbye   C. sorry      D. nothing

Mark Twain was a pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens. He was born on November30,1835,in a small town in Florida, the USA.He _36__a few naughty boys who later_37__in his stories.At the age of 12,his father died,andhe began to work,first as a priner,then on ariver boat.Those years on the boat went into his book "Life_38__the Mississipi."    _39_the Civil War he worked as a reporter and used Mark Twain as his pen name.The stories he wrote in this period _40__him famous and popular.He made a lot of money by writing,lecturing and running_41_publishing house.But he spent all of it on high living and_42__business.    Mark Twain_43__as a "funny man".But in fact he took a serious view of life.Many sad things happened in his own life.All his _44_helped to shape his stories _45_showed the dark side of society. He died as an old man of 75 in 1910.    36.A.grew    B.grew up   C.grew up with   D.grew up in    37.A.turned   B.became   C.appeared     D.disappeared    38.A.on     B.in      C.at       D.for    39.A.While   B.During    C.For       D.Since    40.A.made    B.kept     C.served     D.encouraged    41.A.him    B.himself    C.his       D.his own    42.A.success   B.successful  C.successfully   D.unsuccessful    43.A.knew    B.was known  C.was knowing  D.was to be known    44.A.challenges  B.experienced  C.happiness    D.sadness    45.A.who    B.where    C.which      D.in which

It’s early evening and Paul Jones, 39, is sitting in the living room of his house near London. He is reading to  51   daughter, and his son is playing

  52   his dog. Maybe you think Paul has come home from work  53   he is enjoying his time with his children.

    But you are  54  . Paul is a househusband. He looks after the children full-time, and he  55   the same things any housewife does. He wakes the children  56  , gives them their breakfast and takes them to school. Then he

  57   the house, does the shopping, and picks the children up from school. He makes dinner for his  58   Linda. Then he puts the children to bed - all while his wife at work.

    Linda is the manager of an IT company in London. She works  59   hours, so she hardly ever sees her children during the week. But at the weekend the family  60   time together happily. “Many people don’t understand me, but I’m enjoying life. I’m doing what I want to do.”


49. A. go home     B. go to bed   C. go shopping   D. have a seat


48. A. phone      B. photo    C. clock      D. picture


47. A. breakfast    B. lunch     C.supper     D. meal


46. A. go to work           B. get up

   C. go to sleep            D. open the shop

