
 0  238660  238668  238674  238678  238684  238686  238690  238696  238698  238704  238710  238714  238716  238720  238726  238728  238734  238738  238740  238744  238746  238750  238752  238754  238755  238756  238758  238759  238760  238762  238764  238768  238770  238774  238776  238780  238786  238788  238794  238798  238800  238804  238810  238816  238818  238824  238828  238830  238836  238840  238846  238854  447348 

III. 31-35 C D B AD


II. 16-20 C D C D A  21-25 C B A D D  26-30 C B B D A


I. 1. February  2. hospital  3. remember  4. front  5. minutes  6. quickly  7. twelfth  8. playing  9. foot  10. working  11-15 B D C A D




Small cars may take the place of (代替)big cars in the future (将来).There is 51 for only two people in such a car. If everyone __52_ such a car, there will be less pollution(污染)_53__ the air. There will also be more space for 54 cars in cities, and the streets will be less crowded (拥挤).The little cars will cost_ 55_ less. Driving will be _56_, too, as those little cars can go only 65 kilometres an hour .If big cars are still used along with the small _57 , two kinds of roads will be _58 in the future. Some roads will be used _59 the big , fast cars, and _60 roads will be needed for the slower, smaller ones.

51. A. seat  B. place   C. a room   D. space

52. A. pulls  B. rides   C. drives   D. pushes

53. A. at   B. in    C. for     D. on

54. A. park  B. parking  C. stop    D. stopping

55. A. much  B. many   C. more   D. lots of

56. A. dangerous B. safe  C. safer   D. worse

57. A. one   B. ones   C. seat    D. seats

58. A. nees  B. needs  C. needing  D. needed

59. A. for   B. by    C. in     D.as

60. A. another  B. others  C. other   D. the other


50. 我想你吃得太多了。

I think you are eating_______ ______.


49. 昨天晚上你没看电视吗?

_______ you _________TV last night?


48. 这个筐比那个筐重得多。

This basket is _______ _______ than that one.


47. 做眼保健操对眼睛有益。

  ______ eye _____ is good for eyes.


46. 我刚做完作业。

  I ______ _______ my homework just now.

