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11. We’ll have ______ holiday. What are you going to do?

  A. two days  B. two-days’  C. a two-day  D. a two –days


10. - How long have you _____ the football team of the school?

  -About two years.

   A. been on   B. been at    C. joined   D. played


9. China is famous ______ her Great Wall.

   A. as    B. for     C. to      D. of


8. The population is growing faster in _____ developed countries than in ______ developed countries.

  A. more, little  B .less, more   C. more, less  D. little, more


7. The students should learn ______ from books ______ from life.

  A. so, as   B. both, and   C. either, or   D, neither, nor


6. There's hardly ______ milk in the bottle, ______ there?

  A. no, isn't   B. some, is   C. little, isn't  D. any, is


5. My grandfather could ______ read ______ write because he was too poor to go to school in the old days.

  A. either. . .or  B. neither. . .nor  C. both. . .and  D. not only. . .but also


4. In _______ time, those mountains will be covered with trees.

  A. few years  B. a few years’  C. a few year  D. a few year’s


3. The medicine ______ cool, clean and dry.  

  A. must keep  B. must be kept  C. must be carried  D. must be in


2. My parents ______ about 1, 000 yuan for my school education(教育)each year.

  A. spend  B. take  C. cost  D. pay

