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13.(  ) Thank you for _______ my grandpa when I was away.

   A. looking after   B. look over   C. looking at    D. look for


12.(   ) –Could you get to the park before 3 o’clock? –____. I’m still at the meeting then.

     A. I think so   B. Yes, I could    C. I’m afraid not   D. I’m afraid so


11.(   ) –Congratulations to you on passing the maths exam. –_________.    

A. You’re welcome  B. Never mind   C. Don’t mention it   D. Thanks a lot


10.(  ) Your father is sleeping. You’d better ___________.

A. not to wake him up  B. not wake him up  C. not wake up him  D. not to wake up him


8.(  )    ---Bob, it’s getting cold. _______ take a jacket with you? 

---All right, Daddy.

A. Why not    B. What about       C. Would you like         D. You’d better (   )9.When we see Sign ________, we know it is a place for people to have a drink.

     A          B           C          D


7.(   )-Why are you so 1ate? I have waited for more than an hour.

- “      ”I got up 1ate and missed the bus.

A. I’m terribly sorry   B.That’s all right  C.Don't worry  D. It’s nothing


6.(   )-I’11 arrive at l0:00 a.m.tomorrow.Will you please meet me at the airport?

       A.Yes,that’s right  B.No trouble   C.Never mind  D.With pleasure


5.(   )-Did you have a good May Day holiday?

-_________. I enjoyed myself with my family on the beach.

A.I’m afraid not   B.I’m not sure   C.Of course   D.I hope so


4.(   )-Excuse me,I’m afraid I left my handbag in the taxi this morning.


      -There’s a credit card and about 200 dollars in it.

    A.How much is your bag   B.What’s in your bag

    C.Are you sure   D.Anything else


3.(   ) 一Hi,Mary._______?

-Not so well.I can’t keep up with the other students.

A.How long have you studied chemistry   B.Who is teaching you chemistry

C.How is your chemistry study going   D.Where are you 1earning chemistry

