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42. -----_____ did Mr. Wang leave in a hurry?  -----Perhaps to meet a friend. Who knows?

   A. How      B. Where     C. For what    D. With whom


41. -----If you _____ a new idea, please call me as soon as possible.  -----Sure, I will.

   A. keep up with    B. catch up with    C. feed up with    D. come up with


40. -----Excuse me. Is there _____ park nearby?  -----Yes. It’s over there next to _____ post office.

   A. a, /     B. a, the    C. /, the     D. the, a


39.-Jane, yor dress is beautiful.   -      

    A.No, it isn’t.    B.Really?   C.Thank you.


38.-      -Go along this road. It’s about fifty meters away from here.

    A.Where’s the bookshop?   B.Excuse me, how can I get to the bookshop?

    C.Excuse me, I don’t know the way.


37.-Help yourself to some fish, please.  -       .

    A.Thanks I’ve had enough.     B.No, I can’t      C.I don’t like it


36.-Shall I close the window, Mr and Mrs White?  -      .

    A.Don’t do that  B.No, you mustn’t    C.No, please don’t


35.-I’m sorry I broke the window.  -     .

    A.That’s right    B.Not at all  C.Never mind


34.-May I take this book out of the reading room?  -     .Please read it here.

    A.Certainly    B.No, you needn’t  C.No, you mustn’t


33.-Would you like a bag of nice?  -Yes. I have     rice at home.

      A.some     B.little   C.a little

