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69. She asked _____ we were getting on well with our work.

A. how B. if C.what D. that


68. _____ you _____ to go to watch the football match with me?

A. Would; like B. Would; rather C. Do; feel like D. Do; would like


67. While _____ in the room, we were all very excited.

A. waited B. waiting C. to wait D. wait


66. ---____ will the meeting _____?---In about 20 minutes.

A. How long, last B. When, last C. How often, finish D. How soon, end


65. The house that _____ by the fire belongs to

A. was destroyed, mine B. destroyed, mine C. was destroyed, me D. destroyed, me


64. You may _____ find it hard to get along well with them.

A. certainly B. likely C. possibly D. probably


63. George spent _____ studying.

A. the whole day B. all during the day C. altogether a day D. entirely a day


62. They stayed up until midnight _____ the old year out and the new year in.

A. and saw B. to see C. seeing D. for seeing


61. ____for the doctor's careful treatment, he____till last year.

A. If it is not; can't live B. Were it not; couldn't live

C. Had it not been; couldn't have lived D. If they were not ; couldn't live


60. I forget where I read the article, or I _____ it to you now.

A. will show B. would show C. am going to show D. am showing

