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40.(   ) After working in Shanghai for more than ten years, he returned to his hometown

 in     he was living as a child.

     A. that     B. where     C. which     D. when


39.(   ) We      you have an old treasure to show us. Please tell me where it is.

     A. tell that    B. tell what    C. were told that  D. were told what


38.(   ) -I won’t go to the party tomorrow.

      you told me you would. What’s happening?

A. But            B. So           C. And          D. Or


37.(   ) -What’s the weather like tomorrow?

-The radio says it is going to be even     .

A. bad            B. worse         C. worst         D. badly


36.(   )      he is poor, he is always happy.

         A. Although  B. Because    C. So    D. When


35.(   ) -This jacket is too large for me, would you show me      one?


A. the others     B. the other   C. another    D. more


34.(   ) Your computer is very different     .

      A. to me B. from mine      C. for mine   D. as me


33.(   ) What      funny stories have you ever read      The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?

      A. the other, except for       B. other, besides

      C. any other, except        D. other, besides for


32.(   ) He drives in heavy traffic every morning. He is tired of     a place to     .

     A. finding, to park his car      B. finding out, to park his car in

     C. looking, to park his car at     D. looking for, to park his car



31. We must pay attention      the environment. People must      dirty things everywhere.

      A. with, be stopped to throw     B. to, be stopped from throwing

      C. in, stop to throw        D. for, stop from throwing

