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99.(   )I found _____ very difficult to learn maths well. 

       A. what            B. it               C. that                D. this


98.(   )The teacher told us ______ Exercise 1 in our exercise books. 

       A. do             B. to do           C. doing              D. does


97.(   )He asked who was _______ in your class. 

        A. the oldest        B. oldest           C. older               D. the older


96.(   )“ ______ do you write to your parents ?”“ Once a month.”

        A. How long        B. How much       C. How far             D. How often


95.(   )I have two pens. One is red, ________ is black. 

       A. other            B. another          C. the other            D. the others


94.(   )It’s very kind ____ you  _____lend your bike to me. 

       A. of, to           B.  for, in          C. for, to              D. of, in


92.(   )When he was a child, he was always _______ out new ideas. 

        A. try            B. trying          C. taking               D. tried

(   )93Were you born ______May 21,1974? 

        A. in             B. on             C. from               D. at


91.(   )Allan cut the big birthday cake _____ small pieces. 

       A. as            B. to            C. into                   D. in


90.(   )--____ have you been at this factory?  --I've been here since 1993. 

        A.When            B.How long          C.What time             D.How often


89.(   )Mike _____ his homework three hours ago. 

        A. finished         B. has finished       C. is finishing           D. is going to finish

