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25. ---Do you often get on-line?

---Yes. I ______ most of my time on it .It’s a good way to kill time.

A. cost    B. spend    C. pay    D. take


24. ---____ the Internet _____ in your school?

  ---Yes, but the computer in our office has often broken down.

  A. Is, used    B. Is, using    C. Does, use    D. Has, used


23. ---The smell in the room is really terrible.

  ---You said it. Let’s keep all the windows _____ .

  A. closed   B. open    C. opening    D. to open


22. ---The pen writes well though it doesn’t cost much.

--- Let me have a try. So _____.

A. it is  B. it does    C. does it    D. is it


21. ---You’ve dropped _____ “s’’ in the word “acros’’

  ---Oh, ____ letter “s’’ should be doubled like this “across’’.

  A. a, a  B. an, a    C. a, the   D. an, the


20. ---This is really a wonderful party with interesting people and great food.

---I’m glad you are _____.

A. liking it   B. enjoying yourself   C. at the party   D. are loving


19. ---Would you like ___ some fruit?

  ---No thanks. I don’t feel like _____ anything now.

  A. to have, to eat    B. having, to eat    C. having, eating   D. to have, eating


18. ---He seems _____ ill. Shall we take him to the hospital right now?

  ---I don’t think it matters. Maybe he’s caught a bit of a cold.

  A. terrible   B. terribly    C. even     D. to be terrible


17. ---The rain came to a stop the night before. The fields are still full of water.

  ---It _____ for nearly a week.

A. has rained    B. had rained    C. would rain    D. was raining


16. ---I think he lives _____ No.386 West St.

  ---Are you sure ­­­­_____ that? You’d better make sure.

  A. at, /    B. in, of    C. in, about    D. at, of

