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21.(  )Look at the _____ rain. It’s raining so _____.

A. heavily, heavy B. heavily, heavily C. heavy, heavy  D. heavy, heavily


20.(  )What an _________ TV play it is !

A. interested   B. interesting   C. interest    D. more interesting


19.(  )Many big cities are becoming________.

A. more or more beautiful   B. much and much beautiful

C. much beautifuler      D. more and more beautiful


18.(  )You can’t eat as ___ meat as you want.

A. many    B. much      C. more     D. most


17.(  )I think it is too small. I want a _______ one.

A. bigger    B. biggest     C. biger     D. more bigger


16.(  )The TV set is ________ than I thought.

A. the best   B. more better   C. good     D. much better


15.(  )Maths is _______ interesting _______ physics.

A. so, as    B. so, like    C. as, as     D. as, like


14.(  )The two women cleaners ________ very hard.

A. work both  B. both work   C. all work    D. work all


13.(  )Shanghai is _____ than any other city in China.

A. larger    B. the largest   C. large      D. more large


12.(  )Look! The students of Class Two are singing and dancing _________.

A. happily   B. happy     C. happier     D. the happiest

