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2. I            I had read that book before.


1. One is never too old to      .


By midday the sun was very strong. Jim was too tired to walk. There were no trees near the road, so he rested under a big rock. Afrer drinking some water, he took off his shirt, lay down on the ground and fell asleep at once.

He was so tired that he did not wake up until the evening. He was just about to jump up when he felt something moving near his feet. He looked down and saw a long black snake.

Jim was so frightened that he did not dare to move. The snake began to crawl across his legs, It crawled on and on until it disappeared under the rocks. Jim jumped to his feet, picked up his shirt and ran off down the road.

snake蛇    crawl爬行,蠕动


1. 多好的天气啊! 2. 我们厂里有很多新机器。3. 你去问问她,她的父亲在哪儿工作。4. 我希望这次考试对你来说不会太难。5. 今天的讲演人是一位不久前刚刚入党的老科学家(scientist)。6. 外宾说,“我想知道的是你们将如何实现四个现代化。”


Giotto and his father lived     a small farm in Italy(意大利). Every day Giotto was sent     watch their sheep in the hills.

But Giotto loved to draw. He had     pencil nor paper, but as he sat in the warm sunshine     the sheep, he drew pictures in the sand     a stick. Sometimes he covered stones with drawings

     things he saw about him.

Before he was very old, Giotto     the chance to study drawing and painting with a great painter. He worked very    and before many years had       he could draw as well   his master.


20. "Li works hard. Wang works   even harder. Ma hardly works. Of the three, who works the hardest?""     works the hardest. "          ( )

(A)Li    (B)Wang     (C)Ma       (D)Nobody


19. Although it' s raining,      are still working in the fields.      ( )

(A)they   (B)but they   (C)and they    (D)so they


18. Because of my poor English I' m afraid I can' t make myself     .          ( )

(A)understand       (B)to understand

(C)understanding      (D)understood


17. He wrote a     report.             ( )

(A)two-thousand-words   (B)two-thousand-word

(C) two-thousands-word   (D)two-thousands-words

