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6. The weather in this part of the country isn't really nice , but I'm   to it now.


5. Mother is    because my sister hasn't come back yet.


4. Tell me what is   by the expressions at a sitting.


3. "Did you find the story   ?" Of course I did. You know I finished it at a sitting. "


2. I can't get the work   in to time.


break, do , come, excite, help, keep, know, mean, use, worry, hold

1. He   the answer, didn't he?


Dr. Bethune arrived in Yenan at the end of March 1938. Twenty months later he died. During the time that he was in China, he had worked under very difficult conditions, caring for the wounded, training medical workers, setting up army hospital and organizing medical teams to serve at the front or behind the enemy lines. He seldom had any rest. Sometimes he would go on horseback and make long journeys to places where he was most needed.

In August 1938, Dr. Bethune wrote to a friend:"It is true I am tired , but I dot't think I have been so happy for a long time. I am needed. I have the fortune to work among comrades to whom communism is a way of life." (Dr. Bethune白求恩大夫, fortune幸运)


6. 我想到北京大学去,你能告诉我乘几路车、车站在哪里吗?


5. 他把在剧院里拾到的钱交给了警察。


4. 请把收音机打开。是听八点钟新闻的时候了。

