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26.     much advice I gave him, he did exactly what he wanted to do.

A. How          B. Whatever

C. However        D. No matter


25. If I knew the answer, I wouldn't be asking,     ?

A. didn't I        B. did I

C. would I        D. wouldn't I


24.     the poem a second time, the meaning will become clearer to you.

A. Your having read    B. While reading

C. If reading       D. When you read


23. Sir, you    be sitting in this waiting room.  It is for women and children only.

A. oughtn't to     't

C.won't          D.needn't


22. The thing that    is not whether you fail or not, but whether you try or not.

A. matters        B. cares

C. considers       D. minds


21. Yesterday, Jane walked away from the discussion. Otherwise, she     something she would regret later.

A. had said        B. said

C. might say       D. might have said


20. -The cars give off a great deal of waste gas in the streets.

-Yes. But I'm sure something will be done to     air pollution.

A. reduce   B. remove  C. collect   D. warn


19. When  I handed the report to John, he said that George was the person     .

A. to send        B. for sending it

C. to send it to     D. for sending it to


18. They were surprised that a child should work out the problem

    they themselves couldn't.

A. once    B. then   C. while    D. if


17. Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and other forms of     .

A. energy         B. source

C. power         D. material

