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30. No one in the department but Tom and I ________ that the director is going to resign.

   A. knows           B. know

   C. have known         D. am to know


28. As a rule, domestic servants doing odd jobs are paid ________ .

   A. by the hour       B. by hour

   C. by an hour        D. by hours

29  You might just as well tell the manufacturer that male customers ________ not like the design of the furniture.

   A. must   B. shall   C. may   D. need


27. The village is far away from here indeed. It's _____ walk.

   A . a four hour         B. a four hour's

   C. a four-hours         D. a four hours'


26. I am sorry it's __ my power to make a final decision on the project.

   A. over   B. above   C. off   D. beyond


Directions:  Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.  Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.

25. Some of the stamps belong to me, while the rest are ________ .

   A. him and her       B. his and hers

   C. his and her        D. him and hers


Part A  Short Conversations

Directions: In Part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers.  At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said.  The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it,  read the four possible  answers  on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. [听音]W: We are running out of time. It's 12 o'clock.

  M: Don't worry. The film will start in 45 minutes.

  Q: When will the film probably start?

[试题]A. At 12:00.        B. At 12:15.

  C. At 12:30.        D. At 12:45.

1. 答案:D。根据录音内容中It's 12 o'clock.和The film will start in 45 minutes.可以计算出答案。

2. [听音]W: There's a new exhibition of Indian art Sunday afternoon. Want to go with me?

  M: I'd love to, but my best friend is getting married and I wouldn't miss it for anything.

  Q: What is the man going to do on Sunday afternoon?

[试题]A. To visit a museum.  B. To attend a wedding.

  C. To get married.    D. To go to India.

2. 答案:B。根据男士的答语my best friend is getting married and I wouldn't miss it for anything.(其中it指wedding)可以判断出答案

3. [听音]W: May I watch what you're doing?

   M: Sure. First, open the back, put in the film, focus on the object, and then press the button.

   Q: What is the man doing?

[试题]A. Developing a film.   B. Watching a movie.

  C. Repairing a camera.  D. Taking a photo.

3. 答案:D。根据以下四个动作:First, open the back(打开后盖), put in the film(放入胶卷), focus on the object(对好焦距), and then press the button(按下快门)可以判断出答案。

4. [听音]W: How about having another cup of tea?

   M: I've had enough! Thank you. The service is slow and the tea is too weak.

   Q: Where does the conversation probably take place?

[试题]A. In a tea house.     B. In a school.

  C. In a grocery.      D. In a garage.

4. 答案:A。两个人的话语中都有关于茶的内容,尤其The service is slow and the tea is too weak.突出了答案。

5. [听音]W: Can you turn off the lights in the kitchen? We are paying too much for electricity.

   M: Really? I never realized that.

Q: What is the woman complaining about?

[试题]A. The desk lamp.    B. The electricity bill.

  C. The dirty kitchen.    D. The power failure.

5. 答案:B。根据对话中We are paying too much for electricity.一句可以分析出答案。

6. [听音]M: Lisa, how did your interview go?

  W: I couldn't feel better about it. The questions were not so difficult as expected.

  Q: What does the woman mean?

[试题]A. She could have done better in the interview.

  B. She couldn't answer some of the questions.

  C. She was quite pleased with the interview.

  D. She was disappointed with the interview.

7. [听音]M: You should have set aside more

6. 答案:C。正确理解I couldn't feel better about it.(我感觉非常好。类似的句子:I can’t agree with you more.我非常同意你的观点。)一句就可以得到答案。

7. [听音]M: You should have set aside more time to play with our kids.

  W: I know, but I've really been too busy recently.

  Q: Who do you think are the speakers?

[试题]A. A couple.        B. Neighbors.

  C. Classmates.       D. Colleagues.

7. 答案:A。根据对话第一句You should have set aside more time to play with our kids.(你应该多抽出点时间陪咱们的孩子玩。)可以分析出答案。

8. [听音]M: Have you seen the play performed by our English Department?

   W: Seen it? In fact I played the leading role in it.

   Q: What does the woman mean?

[试题]A. She saw the play more than once.

  B. She acted in the play.

  C. She visited the English Department.

  D. She led the drama club.

8. 答案:B。根据对话中In fact I played the leading role in it.(我在剧中扮演主角。)一句可以得到答案。

9. [听音]M: Thanks for reviewing my paper. What do you think of it?

   W: Well. I wouldn't say it needs any major corrections.

   Q: What is the woman's opinion on the paper?

[试题]A. Minor changes could be made.

  B. Major corrections are needed.

  C. The paper should be rewritten.

  D. The paper needs no revision.

9. 答案:A。根据 对话中I wouldn't say it needs any major corrections.一句可以分析出:没有必要进行大的改动,言外之意,还有可能进行小的改动。

10. [听音]W: I heard Marilyn's going to college. What's she studying?

  M: She's taking courses in mathematics, economics, and accounting.

  Q: In what field does Marilyn probably plan to work?

[试题]A. Engineering.        B. Education.

  C. Manufacturing.       D. Business.

10. 答案:D。根据对话中她选修的课程:She's taking courses in mathematics, economics, and accounting.可以分析她想从商。

Part B  Passages

Directions: In Part B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once.  When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

[听音]Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

   One day, I was walking down Jackson Street to catch the bus when several tough guys jumped out and robbed me. They beat me, took all my

money and left me by the roadside to die.

   Not long after, a man in my neighbourhood passed by. He saw me and said,  "I'11 get some help." He left and never came back.

   A few hours later, a second man passed by. I knew he was going to help me because we went to the same church. But he acted as if he didn't know me and left.

   It was almost dark when a third man came by. I didn't know him. I thought he was from the countryside because he dressed differently. I didn't think he was going to help me. But he saw me and felt sorry for me. He called the police and then stayed with me, waiting for the ambulance.

  The next day, the doctor said to me,  "It's a good thing that man helped you. You were dying. Who was he ――a friend?"

  I thought for a minute, and answered, "Yes, he was."


11. What happened when the man was walking down the street?

12. Who helped the man when he was lying by the roadside?

13. What lesson might the man learn from the incident?

[试题]Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

11. A. He was robbed.

    B. He was knocked down by a bus.

    C. He fell ill suddenly.

     D. He was chased by some tough guys.

12. A. A neighbour.       B. A stranger.

    C. A friend.         D. A doctor.

13. A. A friend in need is a friend indeed

    B. Neighbours are dearer than distant relatives.

    C. Churchgoers are very helpful.

D. Only doctors can save our lives,


11. 答案:A。根据短文第一段中…several tough guys jumped out and robbed me. They beat me, took all my money and left me by the roadside to die.可以判断答案。

12. 答案:B。短文介绍的第三个人帮助了他,但是I didn't know him.

13. 答案:A。综合短文内容,尤其作者最后说第三个人的事,更加让人体会到:患难见真情。

[听音]Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following news.

Now it's time for some brief news items.

Teens go online

Some 13 million European children under 18 use the Internet for school work, games and music according to research done by Nielsens' "Net-ratings". The study covered Britain, Germany, France, Italy and Spain. Experts advised parents to limit the time their kids spend online and keep them away from chat rooms.

Chat to the magic mum

   British author J. K. Rowling, mother of magic boy Harry Potter, will do an Internet interview about her new book  "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" on June 26. Before the event, children are invited to give their questions about Harry to the website. The book will hit stores in the US and UK on June 21 and will arrive in China in August.

School soldiers

   Russian school students will have to do basic military training in their

final year of school, the government has decided. The lessons will include learning to fire guns, marching drills and how to deal with a chemical, nuclear or biological attack. The activity is seen as part of a drive toward patriotic education.


14. In the first news item, which country is not covered in the research?

l 5. What is the second news item mainly about?

16. Why will Russian school students have basic military training?

[试题]Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following news.

14. A, Britain.  B. France.  C. Sweden.   D. Spain.

15. A. J. K. Rowling will have an Internet interview.

   B. Children will meet Harry Potter's mother.

   C. The book will be available on the Internet.

   D. The book will arrive m China in early June.

16. A. To get ready for a military parade.

   B. To learn to protect themselves.

   C. To gain some military knowledge.

   D. To develop their love for the country.


第二,J. K. Rowling的新书 "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix"上市前搞调查。


14. 答案:C。根据短文中提到的国家The study covered Britain, Germany, France, Italy and Spain.可以选出答案。

15. 答案:A。根据短文中British author J. K. Rowling … will do an Internet interview about her new book一句可以确定此题的答案。

16. 答案:D。根据短文最后一句The activity is seen as part of a drive toward patriotic education.可以确定答案。

Part C  Longer Conversations

Directions:  In Part C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

[听音]Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

W: Freedom Travel Service. May I help you?

M: Yes, I'd like to make a reservation for a return ticket. I want to leave on the twenty-third of July.

W: Okay. Where are you going?

M: Well. I'm flying to London.

W: Okay. Let me check.  [Okay] And when will you return?

M: Well, I will be back on the twenty-ninth. Oh, and I'd like the cheapest flight available.

W: Okay. Let me see. Well, you can get a half-price ticket if you return the day before.

M: Woo. That will be on July 28. Let's go with the cheaper flight. By the way, how much is it?

W: It's only $980.

M: All right. Well, let's go with that.

W: Okay. That's flight 1070 from New York, Kennedy Airport to London.

M: All right. And, uh, I'd like to request a seat by the window.

W: Sure, no problem.


Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

Flight Reservation Form
Departure time:            July 23rd
Time of return:            July  17 
Place of arrival:              18  
Price:                 $980
Flight number:                 19  
Requirement:            A seat   20 

Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for answer.

17.答案:28(th)/ twenty-eighth。根据对话中That will be on July 28.一句以及上文内容可以确定答案。

18. 答案:London。根据对话中I'm flying to London. 可以确定答案。 19. 答案:1070。根据对话中That's flight 1070 from New York…可以确定答案。

20. 答案: by the window。根据对话中I'd like to request a seat by the window可以确定答案。

[听音]Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.

M: Hello everybody. Today's activities start at 10 o'clock.  All the new students will gather in the Main Hall to meet the head of the school and the rest of the staff.

W: Where is the Main Hall?

M: I'll show you in a minute.

W: OK.

M: Right. The head will give us a welcoming speech and then the Director of Studies will talk about the courses and their requirements.

W: What do we do after that?

M: Let me finish, the Student Advisor will tell you about the various services and activities we offer to students. Any questions?

W: So, all of this is in the Main Hall?

M: That's right. And then you'll go next door to Classroom 5 at 11 o'clock.

W: What happens there?

M: You'll have a test.

W: Test? I don't like the sound of that. What sort of test?

M: Oh, it's nothing to worry about. It's just an English test to help us find your level of English so that we can put you in the right class.  It won't last long.


Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.

Where will the new student meet at 10 a.m. ?
In the    21 
What will the Director of studies tell them about?
About the  22   and their requirements.
Who will give a talk about the services and activities?
The    23  .

What will they do in Classroom 5?
To have an   24  .



21. 答案:Main Hall。根据对话中Today's activities start at 10 o'clock.  All the new students will gather in the Main Hall…一句可以判断答案。

22. 答案:courses。根据对话中the Director of Studies will talk about the courses and their requirements. …一句可以判断答案。

23. 答案: Student Advisor。根据对话中the Student Advisor will tell you about the various services and activities …一句可以判断答案。

24. 答案:English test。根据对话中You'll have a test一句可以判断答案。 

Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.











            A Letter to High School Students in Jiangsu

Dear fellow students,

   Our government is aiming to build a "harmonious society" (和谐社会). I think it is every

citizen's duty to work hard to achieve this goal.

   As high school students, what should we do?

   As for myself,

Dear fellow students, let's start fight now and spare no effort to do a little bit every day, every hour, and every minute!










  My sister found a bird on the roadside. We named him

Jack and keep him for about three years. He would greet us      76.________

 in a tree outside our bedroom, calling "Hello" as we lay in      77.________

bed in a morning. He also passed "Hello" to the cats when       78._______

they came into the room. We often played a trick on himself.     79._______

We'd throw a coin as far as possibly. Jack would fly away       80._______

and bring it back for us throw again. He would also catch       81._______

the food throwing to him from the other side of the room and      82._______

sing happily. But for the most wonderful thing about Jack       83.________

were his musical ability. Leaving him at home all day, we       84._______

would return at night to hear that he'd picked up from the        85._______

radio in the day.

