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2. The police caught him _____a car.

 A. to steal    B. stealing    C. stolen    D. to be stolen


1.    The secretary worked late into the night, ______a long speech for the president.

A. to prepare  B. preparing   C. prepare   D. was preparing



根据下面提供的情景,写出你的想法。词数不少于30 。

On a sunny morning,Xiao Hong from Orange Town was on her way to her friend's house in Green Hill,a small town she had never been to before.At a crossroads,she found the signpost(路标)showing the directions had fallen over. She got lost.

How could she find out which way to go?Consider two or three different ways of working out the problem.







请按照右侧6幅图的提示和所提供的主题句,写一篇题为“Changes in Our Life”的英语短文。词数100左右。

Changes in Our Life

Over the past twenty years or so,great changes have taken place in our life.Take my family for example._________________________________________________________









