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43.--- Why did you go back upstairs?

  --- I thought I had left  the window______.

  A. open   B. opened    C. being opened   D. to be opened


42. When _____that it was getting late, I put out the light and went to bed.

  A. find      B. finding    C. found      D. found


41. While I was walking to school yesterday morning , I met a friend of mine._____to school yesterday morning, I met a friend of mine.

 A. I was walking  B. walked   C. While I walking   D. walking


40. When only a small boy, _______.

  A. my father took me with him to France 

B. I went with my father to France

  C. my father went with me to father 

D. my father took me to France


39. Though I live in the city, I have few visitors.

= ______in the city, I have few visitors

  A. I live    B. Having lived  C. Living    D. Being lived


38. If _____green, the doctor might look more beautiful.

  A. paint    B. painted    C. painting     D. to paint


37. _____entering the hall, he found everyone waiting for him.

  A. At     B. While     D. On        D. In


36. They had finished their work , so they went home .=______, they went home.

  A. Work done           B. They finished their work 

C. work to be done         D. Work having done


35. Time_____, I’ll go on a picnic with you this Sunday .

  A. permit   B. to permit   C. permitted    D. permitting


34. The lesson _____over, they went out of the room.

  A. be    B. been      C. was       D. being

