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16.----Do you mind if Tom join you in your work?

----Yes, I do. I'll be glad to work with ______ Tom.

A.anybody but

B.everybody and

C.nobody but

D.all besides



----Thank you. I certainly will.

A.I wish you succeed.

B.What can I do for you?

C.I greatly appreciate our friendship.

D.Remember me to your family.


14.When I returned, mother happened ______ in the kitchen.

A.to be cooking

B.to cook

C.to have cooked

D.to be cooked


13.Mary ______ my letter, otherwise she would have gone to the concert.

A.has received

B.ought to have received

C.couldn't have received

D.shouldn't have received


12.You may as well call a cat a little tiger ______you call a tiger a big cat.

A.or    B.as

C.and     D.but


11.----It's too dark. What's in the distance?

----There ______ a boy and a dog.


B.seem to be

C.seems to be



10.----Would you like to see a film with us this evening?

----I would like to. But I can't ______the time because I have to finish my composition.

A.afford    B.pass     C.take     D.spend


9.______, his parents sent him abroad to study in an art school.

A.When seven years old

B.Having been seven years old

C.When he was seven years old

D.Being seven years old


8.----Could I use yours?

----I'm sorry, it isn't here. I'd get it for you ______ I could remember who last borrowed it.

A.except that

B.now that

C.if only

D.even though


7.To do something _____is often easier than getting someone else to do it.

A.itself    B.myself

C.himself   D.oneself

