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13.Alexander Graham Bell invented ________ telephone in 1876.

 A. /            B. a            C. the           D. one


12.Wouldn’t it be ________ wonderful world if all nations lived in ________ peace with one another?

 A. a; /          B. the; /         C. a; the         D. the; the


11.She is ________ newcomer to ________ chemistry but she has already made some important discoveries.

 A. the; the       B. the; a         C. a; /          D. a; the


10.________ Einsteins could not pay for ________ advanced education that young Albert needed.

 A. The; the       B. A; a          C. An; the        D. The; an


9.She’s on ________ People’s Daily.

 A. the          B. an           C. a            D. /


8.________ Mrs. Smith is waiting for you in your office.

 A. The          B. A            C. One          D. /


7.-What do you need in dinner?

   -I need ________.

 A. a knife and a fork              B. a knife and fork

 C. the knife and fork              D. the knife and the fork


6.The sun gives us ________ heat and ________ light.

 A. the; the       B. a; a          C. a; the         D. /; /


5.Mr. Li will give us ________ talk. ________ talk will begin at 8:00.

 A. a; The        B. the; A        C. /; /         D. a; A


4.The warmth of ________ sweater will of course be determined by the sort of ________ wool used.

 A. the; the       B. the; /         C. /; the          D. /; /

