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43.Xi’an was ________ starting point of ________ world famous“Silk Road”.

 A. /; /           B. a; a          C. the; /         D. the; the


42.-So you are running ________ restaurant?

   -Yes,but I don’t want to make it ________ restaurant only for rich people.

 A. the; /         B. the; the       C. a; the         D. a; a


41.I felt someone patted me on ________ shoulder.

 A. a            B. the           C. my          D. /


40.________ wheel is thought to be ________ invention of ________ first importance in human history.

 A. A; the; the                   B. The; an; the

 C. A; an; the                    D. A; an; /


39.She always plays ________ football after ________ school.

 A. a; the         B. the; the       C. /; a          D. /; /


38.Towards ________ evening ________ cold rain began to fall.

 A. an; the           B. the; a         C. the; /         D. /; a


37.-What about ________ book?

    -It’s too difficult ________ book.

 A. a; a          B. a; the         C. the; the       D. the; a


36.Charlie Chaplin was considered one of the greatest actors in ________ history of ________ cinema.

 A. /; /           B. a; the         C. the; the       D. the; a


35.-Are you sure to help me find ________ bed for my new house?

    -Sure,but not now. I’m heading for ________ bed and a good sleep.

 A. a; /          B. a; a          C. the; a         D. the; /


34.After watching ________ TV,she played ________ violin for an hour.

 A. /; /           B. the; the       C. the; /         D. /; the

