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26.(  ) Journalists ought to avoid _________ mistakes in their reports.

    A. make     B. making     C. to make     D. made


25.(  ) --- Do you feel like _________ there or shall we take a bus?

    --- I’d like to walk. But since there isn’t much time _______ , I’d rather you _____ a taxi.

    A. to walk; to leave; hired      B. to walk; left; hired

    C. walking; left; hired       D. walking; left; hiring


24.(  ) I didn’t mind _________ home, but my brother preferred __________ a taxi.

    A. walking; getting  B. to walk; get  C. walking; to get  D. walk; getting


23.(  ) The old man wanted to leave here , because he just couldn’t stand ________ in the noisy room.

    A. to sleep    B. sleep     C. sleeping      D. being slept


22.(  ) Such books are not worthy _________________ at all.

    A. of being read  B. being read    C. reading     D. to read


21.(  ) --- What do you think of the book?

    --- Oh, excellent. It’s worth _________ a second time.

    A. to read     B. to be read    C. reading     D. being read


20.(  ) All the students are now busy ___________ their lessons for the _______ examinations.

    A. to review; coming  B. review; come  C. reviewing; coming  D. to review; to come


19.(  ) You look tired after the walk. You’d better have a rest.

    ---- I don’t feel like _________ now.

    A. to sleep    B. asleep     C. sleeping    D. to be sleeping


18.(  ) The spring Festival is coming. I’m busy _______ the room. There is no time ______ to the shop.

     A. cleaning; to go  b. to clean; going  C. cleaning; going  D. to clean; to go


17.(  ) His question is ___________.

    A. puzzling    B. puzzled   C. to puzzled    D. to puzzling

