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36.(  ) He devoted every _____________ this unknown element (元素)。

    A. effort to find   B. effort to finding  C. effect to find  D. effect to finding


35.(  ) --- Used you to ___________ vegetables in the country before you came here?

    --- Yes, but now I’ve got quite used to _______ in this computer company.

    A. grow; working   B. growing; work  C. grow; work  D. growing; working


34.(  ) Mary’s father is very happy because of __________ given a prize.

    A. her being   B. being    C. her having been   D. she has been


33.(  ) She blamed me _________ away the money ________ to her.

    A. to take; belonging        B. for taking; that was belonging

    C. for taking; that belonged      D. of taking; which is belonged


32.(  ) He apologized for ___________ .

    A. his not being able to come      B. his being able not to come

    C. not his being able to come      D. his being not able to come


31.(  ) The young man are successful _________ the power-station.

    A. to repair    B. to repairing    C. in repairing   D. repaired


30.(  ) He spent all his time _________ for the TOEFL.

    A. to prepare    B. to preparing    C. in preparing  D. of preparing


29.(  ) ________ waste our time ________ such a question.

    A. Don’t let us; to discuss        B. Let’s not; discussing

     C. Don’t let us; discussing        D. Let’s not; to discuss


28.(  ) You can never imagine what great difficulty I have ____________ your house.

    A. found     B. to find     C. in finding     D. for finding


27.(  ) --- Why were you so late?

    --- I had a hard time  _________ up this morning.

    A. to get     B. get      C. got     D. getting

