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53.I didn’t see your sister at the meeting. If she ________, she would have met my brother.

 A. has come                    B. did come

 C. came                       D. had come


52.-I didn’t catch the first train this morning.

  -You ________ the first train if you ________ earlier.

 A. would catch; had got up

 B. could catch; should get up

 C. would have caught; had got up

 C. would catch; got up


51.It is requested that Li Ming ________ at the class meeting on behalf of us.

 A. will speak                   B. speaks

 C. would speak                 D. speak


50.The father insisted his daughter ________ a rich man.

 A. would be engaged to            B. be engaged to

 C. should engaged to              D. must be engaged to


49.He is talking so much about Britain as if he ________ there.

 A. had been                    B. has been

 C. was                        D. had gone


48.The manager was angry and ordered that this work ________ tomorrow.

 A. be finished                  B. finish 

 C. was finished                 D. would finish


47.You didn’t let me drive. If we ________ in turn,you ________ so tired.

 A. drove; didn’t get

 B. drove; wouldn’t get

 C. were driving; wouldn’t get

 D. had driven; wouldn’t have got


46.When a pencil is partly in a glass of water,it looks as if it ________.

 A. breaks                      B. has broken

 C. were broken                  D. had been broken


45.His silence at the meeting suggested that he ________ to your plan.

 A. didn’t agree                  B. hadn’t agreed

 C. wouldn’t agree                D. not agree


44.-The experiment has failed!

  -I suggest that you ________ again.

 A. try                         B. trying

 C. will try                     D. would try

