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36.My radio is good enough to ________ BBC English and VOA English clearly.

 A. look up                       B. pick up

 C. pick out                      D. turn out


35.The student would ________ his teacher on his way from school.

 A. call in                       B. call at

 C. pay visit to                   D. drop in on


34.The mine could be ________  by the lightest touch.

 A. set out                          B. set down

 C. set away                     D. set off


33.Once you have made a plan,you should ________ it.

 A. stick to                     B. insist on

 C. keep on                      D. get used to


32.Would you ________ the radio a bit? I can’t hear the music clearly.

 A. turn on                     B. turn off

 C. turn up                      D. turn down


31.After a long way he was very tired and his legs ________.

 A. gave up                      B. gave in

 C. gave out                     D. gave off


30.The weather was fine when the plane ________.

 A. took off                      B. took away

 C. took up                     D. took on


29.After playing for a while,the children were made to ________ all the toys they had taken out.

 A. put off                           B. put away

 C. put down                     D. put up


28.“Mummy,there is a woman at the door insisting on selling us some cocks. Will you please come and ________ her? ” said Sally.

 A. play with                     B. care for

 C. deal with                     D. call on


27.The fire ________ at ten a. m. ,and an hour later it ________.

 A. broke in;was let out                B. broke up;went out

 C. broke off;died out             D. broke out;was put out

