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46.It takes a long time to ________ a good name,but this name is quickly lost by just one crime or piece of bad behavior.

 A. build up                     B. put up

 C. turn up                      D. set up


45.-I’m ________ too much weight,doctor.

  -I think you ought to go on a diet.

 A. getting on                   B. putting on

 C. carrying on                 D. living on


44.The castle ________ the 15th century. Many people pay visits there.

 A. comes from                      B. calls back

 C. dates back                   D. dates from


43.The early pioneers had to ________ many difficulties to settle down on the new land.

 A. go along with                 B. go back on

 C. go through                   D. go into


42.The boss ________ $40 from my salary without any good reason,which made me very angry.

 A. brought down                 B. cut off

 C. kept back                    D. held up


41.When he realized the police had seen him,the thief ________ the exit as quickly as possible.

 A. made off                    B. made for

 C. made out                    D. made up


40.Under good treatment,Linda is beginning to ________ and will soon recover.

 A. pick up                     B. wake up

 C. grow up                     D. show up


39.He is taking pains to reach the goal set by his parents because he wants to ________ their expectation.

 A. come up with                 B. look up to

 C. count on                     D. live up to


38.-How did it ________ that all the flowers died?

  -I had forgotten to water them.

 A. come about                      B. come back

 C. come down                   D. come to


37.She doesn’t feel like going to the party,but she is not sure how she can ________ it.

 A. get back from                 B. get off

 C. get out of                    D. get away

