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55. ______ deep down in the earth, the dead forests rotted away and became coal.

  A. Buried   B. burying   C. To      D. Being buried


1----5  ACDCC  6----10  BBABA  11----15  AAABC  16----20 ADABA

21----25 BBBAC  26----30  DBBBBB  31----35  BDAAA  36---40 BCBBB

41----45 BCADB  46----50  BBACB  51----54  ABBB


1----5  CCAAA  6----10   ADCAA  11----15  ABBCA

16---20  BCDDA  21---25   CCBDA  26----30  ADBDD

31---35  CCCBB  36---40   CDCDD  46----50BDACB


1----5   BBCDD  6----10   DADBC   11----15   AACCA

16----20  DDBDA  21---25   BCBCB   26----30   DAADC

31----35  CCDDD  36---40   ACBCB   41----45   DBADC

46----50  DCBAA  51---55   DCCCA


54. The old hostess stood _______ for a moment when she saw a beggar appear before her suddenly.

A. surprising B. to surprise  C. surprised   D. having surprised


53. The girl ______in red is my second daughter.

  A. dressing  B. dressed herself  C. dressed    D. is dressed


52. _______Lessons easily are soon forgotten.

  A. to learn   B. learn    C. learned     D. learning


51.Anyone ______to answer country needs special papers.

  A. traveled   B. travels     C. to travel    D. traveling


50. _____ with his brother, he is not so clever.

  A. Compared  B. To compares  Comparing    D. Compared


49.______ from this fact , he must be an honest man.

  A. Judging   B. Judged    C. Judges      D. Judge


48. _____from a spaceship , the earth blue, green and while ball.

  A. Seeing   B. Seen      C. To see      D. saw


47. Asked if he could come to the party that night, ______.

 A. nobody said anything   B. they did not get an answer from him

 C. nothing was said by him

D. John nodded his head and left the room


46. Having a written examination,_______.

A. it is necessary that I have to study hard  B. I must be hard to study

C. it is necessary for me to study hard   D. I am forced to study hard

