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50. In order to reach the top of the hill in six hours, they try ___.

 A. to climb the mountain hardly  B. hard to climb the mountain

 C. to climb hardly the mountain  D. to climb the mountain hard


49.--- Shall we walk through the park?

  --- No, it’s too late_____ there .    D. so we can’t walk

 A. that we walk  B. for us walking  C. for us to walk


48.would you be ____kind as to step this way, please ?

 A. so   B. very    C. as    D. too


47.  --- did that book give the information you need?

  --- yes, but ____, I have to read it entirely.

 A. for finding it  B. to find it   C. finding   D. finding it


46.--- Will you go to the play with us today?

  --- I don’t think so. I’m tired to go.

 A. enough    B. too     C. very    D. so


45.____ a long story short , he wanted to marry her and get a lot of money.

 A. Make     B. To make  C. Tom have made  D. Making


44. ___the truth, she is really tired with cooking.

 A. I am to tell   B. Told   C. Telling   D. To tell


43.He spoke in such a big high voice ___at the farther end of the room.

 A. as to be heard      B. to be heard

 C. as to hear        D. to hear


42.--- I wish I could buy one of those beautiful dogs.

  --- I’m afraid they wouldn’t allow ____ in the hotel.

 A. you keeping it     B. that you keep it

 C. you to keep it      D. you keep it


41. My dad promised to buy a new car and ___it.

 A. that he would let me drive

 B. to let me drive

 C. that I would let him to drive

 D. promised to let me drive

