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1.Pass the salt, ________ you?


第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

  某英语报社开展以“Parents and Children”为题的“看图作文”征文活动,要求根据以下三幅图用英语写一篇作文,文章内容应包括:①4月9日发生在李华家的事情;②你个人的感受。请你写一篇向报社投稿的征文。

注意:  1.词数120左右,征文题目已给出,不计入总数;



第一节     对话填空(满分10分)


A: Okay, Mr. Tailor, let's go (76) a_____ and begin. First of all, tell me        about your last job.
B: Well, as (77) m_____ in my resume, I worked for five years at Hi Tech        Computers.
A: Okay. Hi Tech. And what do you know about computer networks
and (78) o_____ systems including DOS, Windows, and UNIX?          
B: Umm . . . well . . . I did do a lot (79) r_____ to computers every night at    
my last job.
A: Hum!… And how much do you know about web pages? We are looking
for someone to create and (80) m_____ our company's web site.  
B: Umm . . . uh, web page, web page. Huh . . . I don't think I've read that
book, and I'm afraid I've (81) n_____ used those things.        
A: Huh?! And what about other (82) e_____ with computer?         
B: Well . . . I think I (83) r_____ like computer games. I play them every         day.   
A: Okay, Mr. Tailor, I think I have all the (84) i_____ I need! Thanks Mr. Tailor.
Please wait until (85) f_____ notice.                


35. Christine stared angrily at her boss and turned away, as if    out of the office.

A. went          B. to go      C. gone          D. would go

