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7.His name was on the    of my tongue,but I just couldn’t remember it.

   A.end       B.edge      C.tip       D.side


6.Do you know the    of the saying I just quoted?

   A.source     B.resource   C.course      D.cause


5.George always wants things done quickly.He’s got no    .

   A.idea       B.means     C.patience     D.decision


4.He left ____ with my secretary that he would call again in the afternoon. He said he would keep________.

   A. words; his words   B. word; his word  C. word; word  D. the word; his words


3.Many countries are increasing their use of nature gas,wind and other forms of   

   A.energy      B.source    C.power      D.material


2.Some famous singers live on the    from their record sales.

   A.salary      B.value     C.bill       D.income


1.To the sea captain’s surprise,he found that    travel could also be quite pleasant.

  A.earth      B.1and      C.ground      D.plain


30.If she______ know the truth, she would be greatly depressed.

A. should   B. may   C. can   D. shall

1-5BDDCB   6-10CDADD   11-15CCCDC

16-20CDACD   21-25BACBC   26-30DBCDA


29.-Why did you come to the concert to hear the pop singers you didn’t like?

 -I shouldn’t like    , but my boy friend insisted.

   A. having come     B. coming       C. to come    D. to have come


28. He _____come to see me when he was in Beijing.

  A. used to   B. should    C. would   D. might

