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23.A man cannot smile like a child, _________a child smiles with is eyes, while a man smiles with his lips alone.

A. so        B. but      C. and        D. for


22.In___________ review off 44 studies, American researchers found that men and women who ate six key foods daily cut the risk of___________ heart  disease by 76%.

A. a; the       B. the; a     C. a;不填    D.不填;a


21.The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket__________ the desert.

A. covering      B. covered     C. cover       D. to cover


35.Always read the ________ on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine. A. explanations    B. instructions   C. descriptions      D. introductions



34.---It’s burning hot today, isn’t it? ----Yes. ________yesterday. A. So was it     B. So it was      C. So it is     D. So is it


33._______for the breakdown of the school computer network, Alice was in low spirits. A. Blaming      B. Blamed   C. To blame      D. To be blamed


32.The workers will go on strike if the demands they _______ put forward are turned down. A. could     B. would        C.不填        D. had


31.The moment the 28th Olympic Games _______ open, the whole world cheered. A. declared     B. have been declared  C. have declared   D. were declared


30._______homework did we have to do that we had no time to take a rest. A. So much      B. Too much    C. Too little     D. So little


29.I’m sure you’d rather she went to school by bus,_______? A. hadn’t you      B. wouldn’t you      C. aren’t      D. didn’t she

