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25. On Feb. 15, 2006, Wang Meng won the third ____ for China after Yang Yang (A) embraced two at the 2002 Salt Lake City Games.

  A. Winter Olympic gold medal       B. Winter Olympic golden medal

  C. Winter’s Olympic gold medal      D. Winter’s Olympic golden medal


24. It was ____ she was injured in the accident ___ she didn’t come to the party yesterday.

A. as; which      B. because; that       C. since; why     D. for; how


23. -Who was the girl you ____ your baby while you were on business?

-Oh, a distant relative of mine.

A. had rended   B. had her tended  C. had tend   D. had to tend


22. ___M(m)oney plays an important role in ____material world. But you can’t expect

it to give you real happiness.

    A. A; the            B. 不填; a         C. 不填; the         D. The; the



21. -Don’t be disappointed. Have another go, OK?


A. With pleasure    B. It’s my pleasure  C. That’s all        D. Good idea


119.Had you not risked the failure ,how ____ so successful now?

   A. can you have been   B .could you have been

   C. can you be      D. could you be


1~5.  DDCAC    6~10. BACCA    11~15. DAABC

16~20. CADBD    21~25. DCBCA    26~30. BACDD

31~35. CDADC    36~40. DCAAB    41~45. DBCBD

46~50. ACCBD    51~55. BBCBA    56~60. DCBBB

61~65. CBBAD    66~70. DDCCC    71~75. DABAB

76~80. ACBCD    81~85. CACDB    86~90. ABACA

91~95.BCDCD    96~100. BCADA   101~105. CBDBA

106~110. ACBDA   111~115. CACCB  116~119. DBCC


117.---Why not be tolerant and bury your hatchet?

  ---_______.It’s he that has caused the conflict.

  A. No problem  B. No way  C. My pleasure   D. That’s OK

118 The corporation decided to set up a branch in the town____it is right time for it.

  A. which  B. where  C. when  D. until


116. Now that we ____a good opportunity ,it’s no use complaining,

   A. lose   B .lost  C. had lost  D .have lost


115. With people-centered ideas ____on, citizens share more rights than before.

   A. focusing   B. focused  C. having focused  D. to be focused


114. It’s evident that never before _____such challenges.

   A. the government has faced  B. the government faces 

   C. has the government faced  D. did the government face

