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25. - My father will be here tomorrow.

- Oh, I thought that he _______ today.

    A. will come     B. is coming      C. was coming    D. came


24. Many gifted students ________ poorly in school because they found school unchallenging and as a result lost interest.

A. got on            B. worked on         C. lived on       D. carried on


23. His parents want to make a lawyer out of him, but he _____becoming a scientist.

A. sticks to      B. aims in        C. aims at        D. would rather


22. - Mother, I don’t need to keep awake, do I?

- No, my darling, go to bed, ___________.

A. if you want to go                B. if you want to

C. whether you want                   D. whether you want to


第一节     单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

例:It’s so nice to hear from her again. __________, we last met more than thirty years ago.

    A. What’s more    B. That’s to say    C. In other words  D. Believe it or not


21. - How many people are still leading     life under     poverty line in the world?

    - Perhaps one fourth, according to the report.

    A.the ;不填     B.a;the         C.a;a          D.不填;the



Li Hua:    Hello, may I speak to Jane?

Woman’s voice: Sorry, she is out. May I take a ﹙1﹚m_________ for her?

Li Hua:    In fact, nothing special. I’d just like to ask her for advice about English

       Learning. She﹙2﹚s_______ me going to the English corner more often.

       You know, I’m poor at English, ﹙3﹚e________ at spoken English.

       I feel too ﹙4﹚n_________ to speak even in English class, let alone speak English in the English corner, when ﹙5﹚f_________ more people.

Woman’s voice: If you are willing to listen to me I advise you should. If you don’t dare to speak English owing to the fact ﹙6﹚t_________ you are afraid of

making ﹙7﹚ m________, you simply will never learn English well.

To go to the corner is to give you a good ﹙8﹚c________ to open your mouth

to speak. People there are ﹙9﹚f__________ factories, institutes, colleges, middle schools or even primary schools. Some of﹙10﹚ t__________ have only learned English for a couple of months.

Li Hua:    Thank you very much. I’ll surely to go there more often in future.


Sophie: Have you ever watched the film E.T. made by Steven Spielberg?

It is one of the ﹙1﹚b________ money-making films in history. I think it’s a great film.

Alan:  I don’t think so. But the story is good in some ways. The ﹙2﹚ i_________ of a friendly

    Alien living in our world and ﹙3﹚m_________ friends with a group of teenagers is OK.

Sophie: The film is more than twenty years old now and people still love the﹙4﹚s___________

Alan:  I just think it is a good film but not a great one. I think that Steven Spielberg made the film

    because he wanted to make everyone ﹙5﹚m________ to cry. I also think the film is too long.

Sophie: It’s only one hour and forty-five﹙6﹚ m_________ long!

Alan:  I meant that it feels too long. I ﹙7﹚ a__________ it’s extremely exciting at the beginning . But at the end…

Sophie: But can you remember the part ﹙8﹚w__________ E.T. is dying and one of the children is so attached to E.T. that he becomes﹙9﹚ s__________ ill too?

Alan:  Yes, I think I fell ﹙10﹚a____________ at that point.


35. Swimmers must be very strong in order to build up speed because of the high resistance of the water. Runners, ____, must struggle against the heavy resistance of the air and ground.

A. generally   B. similarly  C. naturally  D. probably


34. To read newspaper before going to bed seemed to me a rule ____.

A. to never break  B. never to have broken  C. never to be breaking  D. never to be broken

