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288. The village ______ I once worked has changed a lot.

A. which  B. where   C. that    D. /


287. On the third floor there are two rooms, ______ is used as a meeting room.

A. one of them    B. the larger of which 

C. the larger one of that D.the largest of which


286.  ______ , China has successfully won the right to host the 2008 Olympic Games.

A. It is well known that B. We all know that

C. It is well known D. As is well known


285. Mr. Green drove his car slowly until it come to the freeway ______ the speed limit was 60 miles an hour.

A. Which     B. where  C. that D. who


284. Beijing was attacked by such a terrible sandstorm ______ few citizens has ever experienced before.

A. and it was B. as  C. that     D. which


283. On the bus I saw a student ______ I thought I was your brother.

A. Who B. whom C. which D. Whoever


282. The most favorite room is the tidy study with a fireplace, ______ we can watch TV and enjoy the nice scenery outside.

A. where B. when C. that   D. which


281. "Who Moved My Cheese?" ______ is a best-selling book, is written by Spencer.

A. which B. that   C. it     D. what


280. The famous basketball star, ______ tried to make a comeback, attracted a lot of attention.

A. where B. when C. which D. who


279. We will be shown around the city, schools, museums, and some other places, ______ other visitors seldom go.

A. What     B. Which C. where  D. When

