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30.- Why weren't you at the meeting?

  - I ________ for a long distance call from my sister in America.

 A. was waited     B. was waiting

 C. has waited      D. have been waiting


29.We have done things we ought not to have done and ________ undone things we ought to have done.

 A. left       B. leave

 C. will leave      D. leaving


28.Paper produced every year is ________ the world’s production of vehicles.

 A. the three times weight of

 B. three times the weight of

 C. as three times heavy as

 D. three times as heavier as


27.The two ladies are ________ the same age, but there seems to be ten years ________ them.

 A. at, between     B. about, among

 C. as, among      D. of, between


26.The train ________ arrive at 11∶30, but was an hour late.

 A. was about to      B. was likely to

 C. was supposed to    D. was certain to


25.While building a tunnel through the mountain, ________ .

 A. an underground lake was discovered

 B. there was an underground lake discovered

 C. a lake was discovered underground

 D. the workers discovered an underground lake


24.I planned ________ to see you last week, but I was ill.

 A. to have come      B. to come

 C. to be coming      D. to have been coming


23.Now then, children, Its time you ________.

 A. were washed and dressed

 B. washed and dressed

 C. are washed and dreesed

 D. washed and dress


22.My parents used ________they had to get a new car for my brother.

 A. which       B. all what

 C. what       D. 不填


 第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.Chicago is on ________ Lake Michigan. There is nothing in the world like ________ Chicago meat industry.

 A. the;the       B. 不填;不填

 C. the;不填      D. 不填;the

