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248. More than a dozen students in that school _______ around to study medicine last year.

A. sent      B. were sent   C. had sent   D. had been sent


247. There _________ be any difficulty about passing the road test since you have practiced a lot in the driving school.

A. mustn’t      B. shan’t    C. shouldn’t   D. needn’t


246. No progress was made in the trade talk as neither side would accept the conditions of_________.

A. others      B. the other   C. either      D. another


245. -------China has taken on a new look these years.

    ------Well. Great changes _______ since 1980.

   A. have been taken place  B. have taken place   C. took place   D. had been taken place


244. -------You are late, Susan!

-------_______ on time, but my car broke down on the road.

A. I must have come   B. I should have come   C. I could have come  D. I need have come


242. The fire in the hotel was soon ______, in which nobody was injured or killed.

   A. gone out          B. put out               C. held up           D. used up

243 ------Let`s go hunting this Sunday, shall we?

------______. I`m looking forward to it.

A. Good idea         B. Why not to?           C. Never mind.       D. For what


241. -------Is it ______he was hurt in the first game _______ he gave up other games later?

  -------Yes. He was wounded so badly that he could hardly move his right leg.

  A. that; because   B. because; which   C. because; that    D. that; which


240. He once studied in Harvard University years ago,_______ he worked as a lawyer in New York.

   A, during which   B. from that    C. after that    D. after which


239. ------ This pair of shoes fits me well. Will $10 ______?

---------No. It cost at least $15.

A,. take     B. get     C. do     D. make


238. Little Johnson got two apples from his aunt, ______ of which he gave to his sister.

  A. the bigger one   B. a bigger one   C. bigger one    C. The biggest one

