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18、I shall never forget those years     I lived in the country with the farmers,     has a great effect on my life. (1994上海)

A. that; which    B. when; which  C. which; that    D. when; who


17、The famous basketball star,      tried to make a come back, attracted a lot of attention.

A. where        B. when        C. which        D. who


16、Only those      knew well could be let in. (2003连云港)

A. who         B. that         C. what         D. he


15、It is the very place     the anti-Japanese soldiers fought over sixty years ago. (2003重庆)

A. that         B. which        C. where        D. there


14、     , the compass was first made in China.

A. It is known to all                  B. As is known to all

C. We all know                 D. As is known to all


13、John said he’d been working in the office for an hour,     was true.  (2001北京春季)

A. he          B. this          C. which        D. who


12、-- I want to choose a university to study here. Would you should look at the support the university that you’re interested in      as an overseas student. (2003东北三校)

A. what can offer you             B. can offer you what 

C. can offer you                    D. what you can offer


11、The buses,      were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowd.

A. most of that    B. which most   C. most of which      D. that most


10、They talked for about an hour of things and persons     they remembered in the school.

A. which        B. that          C. who        D. whom


9、In the office I never seem to have time until after 5:30 p. m. ,     many people have got home.

A. whose time    B. that         C. on which      D. by which

