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153.----- You may laugh, but I’ve been thinking of becoming a vegetarian.         

----- Oh, you ____ be out of your mind. You will be hungry all the time.

A. must  B. may   C. will  D. should


152.Suddenly a boy skater fell into the cold water. Almost at the same time, many people _______.                               

A. rushed for help  B. came for the boy’s rescue  C. came for his help  D. got to the boy’s rescue                              


151.I really don’t know how you _____ their constant quarrelling.           

A. put up  B. put away  C. put by  D. put up with


150.The bronze mirror of the Han Dynasty on show in Shanghai Museum is ____ the one Sam saw.                                   

A. two thirds the size of  B. two thirds as much as  C. as two thirds big as

D. the two thirds size of


149.It is required that the subject referred _____ immediately.             

A. is discussed  B. to being discussed  C. be discussed  D. to be discussed


148.----- Would you agree with what I said just now?              

----- ________.

A. Who cares?  B. Never.  C. You took the words right out of my mouth

D. I don’t know whether it’ll work or not


147.I wonder why you won’t do it as ______ and it’s the third time you have done so.    

A. told you  B. be told  C. told to  D. you told


146.-----Do you think living in the country has advantages?               


A. Yes, perfectly  B. Yes, it is  C. Nothing at all  D. Well, that depends


145.According to Bill Gates, the idea _____ we can play video games and receive E-mails without sitting at a keyboard will come true. However, it is unclear _____ this kind of computer will be on sale and ______ it will cost.                       

A. which; that; what  B. /; whether; how much  C. that; ; when; what  D. that; that; how much


144.His strong Shangdong accent _____ him _____ when he told a lie.           

A. put; off   B. let; out  C. gave ; away   D. turned ; up

