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The night was dark, though sometimes the moving clouds allowed a star or two to be seen in the sky. The poor men held on to any bit of ___1__ they could find. They called to the Marie for ___2__, but she was far ___3__ the reach of the human voice. At one o’clock in the ___4__ the water was getting ___5__, and even worse a strong ___6__ had begun to blow. Suddenly ___7__ were seen in the distance: another ship! The shouts of the ___8__ were heard on board, and willing hands pulled them out of the water. The ___9__ of the ship that had so ___10__ arrived on the scene in time to save their lives was the Ellen. What had brought her to the exact spot through the darkness and the pathless sea? Her captain had known ____11__ of the wreck and had, indeed, attempted to sail away from it. But let him speak for himself.

“I was forced by the wind,” he said long afterwards, ” to ___12__ my course. Just as I did it, a small ___13__ flew across the ship once or twice and then ___14__ at my face. I took ___15__ of this until exactly the same thing happened a ___16__ time, which caused me to think it rather ___17__. While I was thus ___18__ it, the same bird, for the third time, made its appearance and flew about in the same way as before. I was then ___19__ to change my course back to the original one. It had not gone far ___20__ I heard strange noises; and when I tried to make sure where they came from, I found I was in the middle of people who had been shipwrecked. I immediately did my best to save them.”

1. A. cloth
B. flower
C. paper
D. wood
2. A. food
B. help
C. rest
D. stop
3. A. between
B. out
C. beyond
D. in
4. A. afternoon
B. noon
C. morning
D. midnight
5. A. colder
B. deeper
C. saltier
D. warmer
6. A. smoke
B. wave
C. sand
D. wind
7. A. people
B. lights
C. ships
D. houses
8. A. sailors
B. captains
C. birds
D. swimmers
9. A. name
B. owner
C. captain
D. designer
10. A. slowly
B. early
C. immediately
D. fortunately
11. A. everything
B. nothing
C. something
D. anything
12. A. continue
B. sail
C. change
D. turn
13. A. fish
B. fly
C. plane
D. bird
14. A. flew
B. stopped
C. stayed
D. looked
15. A. no care
B. good care
C. no notice
D. some notice
16. A. good
B. second
C. third
D. long
17. A. interesting
B. funny
C. common
D. unusual
18. A. searching
B. expecting
C. considering
D. studying
19. A. decided
B. advised
C. persuaded
D. invited
20. A. when
B. while
C. as
D. after

We had just taken off from Athens and found ourselves under the control of two hijackers (劫机者).

   I was  1  serving the first-class passengers  2  I was forced against the door.  3  kicked me in the chest, and I  4  a gun at my head.

   Two men, very excited, were  5  Arabic at me. I said, "I can speak  6  ," one of the hijackers replied in  7  German, "Open the door. We come to  8  ." The other was holding some grenades (手榴弹), the pins (弹栓)  9   and bitten between his teeth.

   I  10   the key to the driving room, and the hijackers started  11  and kicking at the door. "Captain," I shouted, "Open up!" Suddenly the  12 flew back, knocking a grenade pin out of the hijacker's  13  . Instinctively (本能地) I picked it up and  14  it back between his teeth.

   In the room they said, "Beirut, Beirut," but they spoke almost no English. I was translating everything  15  , and the hijackers were beating the flight engineer with a pistol (手枪). Captain John Testrake said, "OK, we're going to Beirut, but we  16  get flight clearance." They said, "No. You fly to Beirut with a map. 17  . We went into a 180-degree turn, and  18  one hijacker held his pistol.

   The crew wanted to see if we had enough fuel to make Beirut, but the hijackers said, "It doesn't matter. Go until the fuel runs out." Every time copilot Philip picked up a  19  , they frightened him with a gun. I was crying and shaking, and the German-speaker said, "What are you  20  about? I'm not going to hurt you."

1.A.seldom    B. then       C. now      D. usually

2.A.after     B. before      C. when     D. while

3. A. Someone   B. The hijackers   C. One hijacker  D. A passenger

4. A. watched   B. found     C. glanced       D. felt

5. A. translating  B. shouting        C. writing       D. calling

6. A. German   B. English         C. Arabic        D. French

7. A. rough    B. broken          C. simple       D. excellent

8.A.beat     B. knock      C. die       D. strike

e     B. supported        C. removed     D. turned

10.A.did have    B. could have       C. couldn't have    D. didn't have

11. A. knocking   B. striking         C. pushing      D. pulling

12.A.pin      B. pistol          C. door       D. map

13.A.hand     B. mouth         C. clothes       D. pocket

14. A. struck    B. put         C. threw        D. knocked

15.A. into German  B. from English     C. into Arabic     D. from German

16. A. may     B. have to        C. can        D. ought to

17.A. So we did   B. So did we     C. Nor we did    D. Nor did we

18. A. all the time  B. from time to time  C. at one time  D. at a time

19.A. tool     B. map        C. radio       D. book

20. A. certain    B. nervous        C. frightening    D. worried


165.Would you mind giving me ______ on the subject before I write the composition?    

A. a few more advice  B. a little more advice  C. a little more advices  D. a few more advices


164. You must get up earlier to catch the first train, _____?               

  A. needn’t you  B. mustn’t you  C. will you  D. won’t you

