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25. I was ___ the point of telephoning him when his letter arrived.

  A. in  B. to  C. at  D. on


24. He is a student of ___ .

  A. Class First  B. the Class One  C. Class One  D. First Class


23. The medicine is on sale everywhere. You can get it at ___ chemist’s.

  A. each  B. some  C. certain  D. any


22. ___ that the trade between the two countries reached its highest point.

A.   During the 1960s       B. It was in the 1960s

C. That it was in the 1960s   D. It was the 1960s


第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

21.Swimming is ___ in summer.

A.   a great fun  B. great fun  C. great funs  D. great a fun


第二节 书面表达(满分25分)                         

  假如你是李东,三周前在ABC 电子市场买了一只MP3播放器,但用了几天就坏了,你去A电子市场交涉,可是却被告知要去厂方才能解决问题。厂方答应一周内修复。但是,你等了两周还没有收到播放器。为此,你写了一封简单扼要的投诉信,说明情况并表示自己尽快拿到播发器。

注意:1、 信的开头已写好,只须接着写。


2、字数100 左右。


Dear Sir,

  I bought…



1.M: When will the school term begin

 W: Henry told me it was September 12, but this notice says it is September 20. Henry was wrong..

2. M: Oh, no! It’s a quarter to six already and I’ll miss my 6 o’clock time.

  W: Don’t worry. That clock is half an hour fast.

   You have enough time to catch it.

3. W: I have plenty of good ideas, professor Johnson, but I haven’t been able to organize them clearly. May I give you the paper a few days late?

  M: You know that I always prefer a well-written paper even if it is late.

4. M: In yesterday’s speech, professor Smith said that we should include our animal friends in our lives.

  W: Exactly. That’s the way to love our neighbors. Animals are loving, and they make our lives more lively, colorful and interesting.

5. M: Hello, 88916817.

  W: Hello, is Bob speaking?

  M: No, this is Sam. Bob is out. Can I take a message?

  W: Yes, could you ask him to call Miss Gao, please? My telephone number is 87521268.

Text 6:

M: Bad news.

W: What’s wrong?

M: I failed my history exam.

W: Oh, that’s too bad! I heard it was very difficult.

M: But I studied so hard.

W: I know. You were just unlucky.

M: I’m so disappointed. But you needn’t take any exams now. You have a job.

W:  I know it’s disappointing, but it’s not the end of the world. You will pass the exam next, you’ll see!

M: Thanks for saying so. I feel better now.

Text 7:

W: I’ve just bought a new dress. What do you think of it?

M: It suits you. You look good in blue.

W: Thanks Well, what have you been up to while I’ve been out shopping.

M: Oh, nothing much. I’ve written several letters, that’s all.

W: I thought you said you had to go and see someone this afternoon.

M: That’s right. I was going to see Martin. But I forgot all about it.

Text 8:

M: Weren’t you lucky to meet Jim in London?

W: Yes. I was. If I hadn’t met him, I would have left Britain much sooner.

M: That would have been a bit of pity. The English countryside is so lovely.

W: Isn’t it? Think of things I would have missed if you hadn’t shown me around.

M: Would you have considered hiring a car if Jim hadn’t offered to come with you?

W: Good heavens, no. I thought I’d never be able to driver on the left inside of the road.

Text 9:

W: The painting club. Can I help you?

M: Yes. I’d like to ask about the painting classes.

W: OK. We have some classes starting the week of February 20th lasting seven weeks and meeting twice a week.

M: How much does it cost?

W: $ 140. That’s $ 10 for each lesson.

M: How much does it cost if you are a member of the Painting Club??

W: It’s half price. Members pay half.

M: I see.

W: And classes start in February. You can come to put down your name on February 16th or 17th if you have decided to attend the classes.

M: Thanks.

W: You are welcome.

Text 10:

Joe had vocation, so he decided to go to the seashore for a few days. He got on a train one morning, and an hour later he was in a small town by the sea. A few minutes after he left the station he saw a small hotel and went in. He asked the owner how much it would cost for one night there.

“Fifteen dollars,” the owner answered.

“That’s more than I can really afford to pay,” Joe said sadly.

“All right,” the owner answered. “If you make your bed yourself, you can have the room for ten dollars.”

Joe was very happy because he always made his own bed at home. “Ok,” he said, “I’ll do that.”

The owner went into a room at the back, opened a closet, took some things out and came back to Joe.

“Here you are,” he said, and gave him a hammer and some nails.



61~70 CDDCC  BCDBC  71~75 DACCD

21. B fun 是抽象名词(不可数名词),前面不用冠词,也没有复数形式。

22. B 本题是一个强调句,强调事情所发生的时间in the 1960s。

23. D 全句意思是:“这种药到处有售,你可以在任何一家药店买到这种药。” each强调单个的,指“每个的”;some“某些,某个”;certain“确定的”。

24.C 表示编号用“名词+基数词”或“ the+序数词+名词”。

25. D on the point of doing sth.是固定词组,意思是“正要、打算”。全句意思是“当他的信到的时侯,我正要打电话给他”。

26. B 本题的意思是:“我刚动身回房屋换衣服,我就听到有人说话。”前半句的动作发生在后半句之前,所以前半句用过去完成时。为表达这一情景,前半部分作主句,主句中一般用just,hardly,后半部分作从句,用连词when引出。

27. B 抽烟厉害和雨下得大一样用副词heavily修饰

28. D 本题意思为“你很难读懂他在想什么。”

29. C 此题考查虚拟语气。 主句would have done表示与过去事实相反。

30. D 考查词汇,break up为“驱散”; break down为“(机器)出故障”。

31. C  that引导定语从句,并在从句中作give的宾语, 而why是副词,作状语。

32. B come across意思是“偶然遇到、碰上、找到、想到、产生效果”;come about意为“产生、发生”;come through是“(从遭遇困难、危险中)脱险,度过”;come up“长出地面;发生”.。

33. B special意思是“特别的、专门的”; especial意思是“专门的,特别”; excited 意思是“激动的”; particular意思是“挑剔的”,符合句意。

34. C 意思是“我随便;我无所谓。”

35. A  at one’s service意思是“随时帮助某人”

36. A 根据句意,这里需要表示让步的连词。

37.C 根据上下文,该句意思是道路护养得很好。既然讲护得好,那前提条件应该是原来不错,所以选smooth意为“平坦的”。


39.D此题考查词意义的区别。sections意为“选择”;separations意为“分离,隔开”;divisions意为把整体“分,分割”;sections指事物的“段;部分”铁路的“段”,所以应选sections。句意为“弯道少,直线路段多” 。

40.C 该题应考虑到整句的意思。该句的状语从句谈的是公路好的、有利的方面。但后面的语气一转,意思就变了。所以选enjoyable。

41.D是固定搭配,pass by意为“经过”,符合该句的意思。pass to意为“转到”;pass into意为“变成”;pass over意为“忽略”。

42. B 该句的意思是“这些公路一般都连接大城市中心”。Connect正是“连接,相连”的意思。而 lead 必须与to连用,才能表达这个意思。

43. D 这里的意思是“车辆多,交通拥挤”。heavy traffic是交通拥挤的意思。

44. A  空格所在位置是个非限制性定语从句,表示的是时间,所以选关系副词when。

45. C 从语法角度看,这里应填副词。空格后的关联词是always,意思是“总是”。此句意思是“如果你不着急,几乎总能有另一条路可走”。almost意思是“几乎,差不多”,符合该句的意思。

46. B 从语法角度看,这里应填连词,引导状语从句,意思是“如果你不着急。”所以应选if。

47. A 空格后是形容词new,该空格处应填副词。后面句子中的older是比较级,那么前面的形容词new也应有比较的意思。所以选relatively。

48. B 解释同上。

49. D 该句的意思是“这些道路,有些是平坦的双车道,有些则不平坦,蜿蜒经过田野。”

50. C 解释同上。

51. B 该句意思是“这些非主干道路可以爬上陡峭的斜坡,沿着悬崖延伸,或又转下可怕的山坡。”从上下文看,爬上陡峭的斜坡必然沿着悬崖延伸,而不沿着大道或小路。

52. A lying意思是“坐落” lying 是lie的分词和动名词形式。

53. D从语法角度看,这里是个定语从句,关系副词where修饰先行词places。

54. C have a chance是固定词组,表示“有机会”。

55.A. 此句的意思是“有机会欣赏到人间清新、洁净的景色”。view意为“景色”

56. D 本题属于判断词义题。由第二段第三句可知陪审团(jury)有权利判定某人犯了何罪,而且从下文可知jury的成员有二十人,并非指单个的人,由此看来选项A、B、C皆不合适,故选D。

57.D 答案在第二段最后一句。此句提到乔治请求吉姆说服陪审团其他成员在叛军上加一条请求从轻量刑。从recommendation这一词组可推断出是请求轻判,而其他选项均无此义意,故选D

58.C答案在第三段最后一句。从句中terribly strong-minded可知,陪审团另外十一人很固执,不易被说服。而C选项意为:陪审团的其他成员可能不会听从吉姆的建议。这与本题意义相符。另外本题可用排除法也可知选项A、B文中未提及,D与原文意义相悖。





63.D本题属于有关主旨的题目。问的是作者对待受挫的态度。从第一段最后一句及第二段第一句可排除A、C两项,而B项中的“interested”一词并未说明作者的确切态度,而且从文中多次用的 “profit by defeat”上可知作者对受挫的态度是肯定的,因此D为正确的答案。

64.C本题属于推测词义题。第二段第一句说“失败并不值得羞愧,是成功者遇到的常事”,下文说“受挫是个不可挽回的损失,除非你不……”这属于前后呼应,由此可推断出humiliation与being ashamed意义应大致相同,故选C。

65. A 本文第一句指出,沙漠中的植物根据其在干旱中的生活方式,可分为两种,众所周知,干旱是沙漠地区的典型特征,因此,选项A 符合原文。

66. B 文章第一段第三句提到有些沙漠植物通过脱落业子的方式减少对水的需求。常设告诉我们,叶子是蒸发水分的,脱叶可以减少对水分的蒸发消耗,从而减少植物对水分需求。故选B。


68. A 从第二段的描述看,仙人掌的形状、叶子、根系等非常适宜贮水、吸收水分。其结构之巧妙,仿佛专门为之进行了设计。选项A符合原文。

69. B 答案在第一段第一句。意思是:如果你再开始使用它们,它们会慢慢地变得强壮。故选B。

70. C 从文中第一段倒数第二句描述看,他在实践中常常自觉或不自觉地运用记忆。选项C符合原文。

71. D 从文中第一段最后一句看,只有选项D符合原文的意思。

72. A 答案在文章第一段的第一句和最后一段的最后一句。作者指出手臂和腿需要使用、锻炼,同样,人的记忆也需要使用、锻炼。选项A符合原文。

73. C 答案在第二段最后一句。其意思是印度尼西亚死亡的人数最多,接下来是斯里兰卡。

74. C 通读全文可以找到他们是:Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, Somalia, Myanmar, Maldives, Malaysia, Tanzania, Seychelles Bangladesh, Kenya.

75. D 选项A错的原因是应把“official”改成“unofficial”;选项B中的 “unofficial”应为“official”。选项C错的原因是原文中第一段提到“could go up to 1,00,000”意思是“可能会上升到”,并非指已经死亡的人数。故选项D正确。

76. 在heard后加 of, hear of 表“听说”

77. 正确

78. times改为 time, all the time 表示“一直”

79. a 去掉, fun是不可数名词,have fun表“过得快乐”

80. him 改成them,them指代 your friends

81. talk后加about,talk about表示“谈论”

82. try 后加to, try to do表“尽力、努力地做某事”

83. what改为that,that引导宾语从句,从句不缺成分,所以不用what.

84. for改成with/against, compete for表示“为……竞争”,而表示compete with/against“与……人竞争”

85. happier改成 happy,次句中没有比较的对象,因此不用比较级。

One possible version:

Dear Sir,

  I bought an MP3 player at ABC E-market three weeks ago. I had used it several days when the player didn’t work. I took it to the market but they told me it was the factory’s fault, and that I should take it to the factory. S0 I went to the factory. Luckily, the man in the factory agreed to help me. He said he would send it back to me in 7 days. But I waited two weeks. I don’t know what has happened. If you get everything ready for the player, will you please send it back to me as soon as possible?

  Thank you for your help on this matter.

                     Very truly yours,

Li Dong


第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分;满分10分)






Have you ever heard the saying: All work and no play
76. ____
makes Jack a dull boy? What this means is that if you study
77. ____
all the times you will become a boring person. You must
78. ____
go out and have a fun with your friends, otherwise you’ll
79. ____
lose him. No one wants to be friends with someone who
80. ___
only talks work and study.
81. ____
  Perhaps you have a confidence problem. Please try
82. ____
remember what the work you do is for yourself but no one
83. ____
else. You don’t have to compete for your classmates. No
84. ____
one could be happier in studying seven days and seven nights
85. ____
in a week.

