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28. ________ , the idea of having to work under a woman defeated him.

 A. Wanting the job very much         B. Although wanting the job badly

 C. Though he wanted the job very much D. He wanted the job badly

28. C 用非谓语动词作状语时要注意其逻辑主语与句子主语的一致性,而D项需要连词连接两个句子,因此选C,though引导状语从句。


27. Is ________48 hours________ the man- made satellite ________ is made in our country to orbit the planet around?

 A. it; that; where      B. it; when; what

 C. it for; that it takes; that   D. it; that it takes; which

27. D 提示:前一部分为强调句式,后一部分是定语从句,时间(48 hours)做take的宾语。


26. My father is used to smoking and drinking. There’s no chance _______ I’m able to talk him into _______.

 A. whether; giving it up      B. of whether; giving them up

 C. that; getting rid of them       D. which; stopping it

26. C There’s chance of sth./that…从句,此句型结构用连词that引导同位语从句,而不用whether;代词them代指上文的smoking and drinking 两件事。


25.-Does Smith do his new job well in the company?

   - ________ his old job. I’m afraid there’s no hope for him.

 A. No better than     B. As good as

 C. Not better than    D. Not as well as

25. A 提示:no+比较级+than…意为“与……一样不……”,表示否定。not+比较级+than…意为“与……不相上下”,表示肯定。依据I’m afraid there’s no hope for him. 这句话,可以判断出“新旧两份工作一样的不尽如人意”。(改编题)


24.- Don't put the waste on the ground, young man.

   - Oh, I'm sorry. I ________the dustbin there.

 A. hadn’t seen     B. didn’t see

 C. can’t see      D. wasn ‘t seeing

24. A 如果描述刚才一瞬间进行的动作用过去进行时,如I wasn't listening,过去某一结果用一般过去时,如I didn't hear it


23.-The experiment is of particular importance.

  -I see. We will carry on with it ________ we can get enough money.

 A. unless  B. though  C. whether  D. until

23. C 提示:whether引导名词性从句时,意为“是否”。若其引导状语从句,意为“不论是否……”。


22. - Miss Wendy is good at a lot of things       you can’t say she is perfect .

   - I agree with you.         no one is.

A. but ; Simply      B. and; Only       C.or; Actually  D. so; Otherwise

22. C 提示:perfect意为“完美的,无缺点的”。wonderful意为“神奇的,惊奇的”。splendid 意为“壮大的,华丽的”。complete意为“完全的,彻底的”。据上下文意和I agree with you一句,表示同意对方的观点和看法。(改编/原创题)




例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child ______ he or she wants.

A. however    B. whatever   C. whichever   D. whenever


21. Having received the training of       MS. Company, John was offered ________ important position in management.

 A. the; an  B. /; an   C. the; /   D. a; a

 21. A 提示:the MS. Company是由普通名次构成的专有名词,表特指,须带定冠词。名词position意为“位置”,可数名词,前面需用不定冠词,表示一类中的任何一个。(改编题)

