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26.The road is covered with snow. I can’t understand______ they insist on going by motor-bike.

    A why            B whether         C when           D how


25.It shames me to say it, but I told a lie when______ at the meeting by my boss.

    A questioning       B have questioned    C questioned       D to be questioned


24.There are altogether eleven books on the shelf, ______ five are mine.

    A on which        B in which         C of which         D from which


23.---Could I ask you a rather personal question?


    A Yes, don’t worry                   B Of course, go ahead

    C Yes, help yourself                  D Of course, why not


22.---Tom graduated from college at a very young age.

  ---Oh, he______ have been a very smart boy then.

    A could           B should          C might           D must


21.Paul had to write a happier paper, ______ he couldn’t find time to do it.

    A but             B so             C because         D if


35.I do every single bit of housework______ my husband Bob just does the little dishes now and then.

    A since           B while           C when           D as




34.In some west countries, demand for graduates from MBA courses has ______.

    A turned down      B turned over       C fallen down       D fallen over


33.It is reported that the United States uses______ energy as the whole of Europe.

    A as twice         B twice much       C twice much as     D twice as much


32.---I would never ever come to this restaurant again. The food is terrible!


    A Nor do I         B Neither would I    C Same with me     D So do I

