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13. - Show me your permit, please.

  - Oh, it's not in my pocket. It ________ out of my pocket.

  A. might fall               B. could fall

  C. should have fallen            D. must have fallen


12. There are two small rooms in the beach house, ________ serves as a kitchen.

   A. a smaller of which          B. the smaller of which

C. a smaller of that             D. the smaller of them


11. The classroom is big enough _______, but we’ll have to move if we have more students.

   A. at any moment    B. in a moment 

  C. for the moment   D. for a moment


10. - ______ matters to do the job well - what you are or where you come from?

  - Neither. It depends on whether you put your heart into it.

    A. Which is it that    B. What it is that  

C. Which it is that     D. What is it that


9. He never doubted ________ they would succeed.

  A. where        B. whether     C. when       D. that


8. - Do you have ________ at home now?

  - No. I still have to get a bottle of milk and some vegetables.

  A. everything     B. nothing     C. something    D. anything


7. Sailing down the Yellow River, ________.

  A. the boat hits a rock           B. an accident had happened

  C. the boat hit a rock           D. a terrible accident happened


6. - Have you seen your nephew lately?

  - Yes, in fact I saw him yesterday. I ________ him for three years.

  A. haven't seen    B. didn't see    C. hadn't seen     D. don't see


5. When you listen to people talk or read something without a title, try to invent _______ title that summarizes ________ main idea.

  A. a; a       B. the; the      C. a; the        D. the; a


4.A: What do you mean __________ “too hot”?

   B: I mean it’s too hot _________ this time of year.

    A.for; with      B.by; for        C.for; by        D.by; to

