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30. Long, long time ago, there was a mountain. At the top of the mountain _______, in which an old monk used to tell stories.

A. a temple stood                        B. is there a temple

C. stood a temple                        D. a temple was there


29. "Harry Potter" is such an interesting book _______ all kids like to read.

A. as                B. that              C.  /          D.  which


28. The bus crash in Shenzhen resulted in 26 injured last week and it caused 19

A. die               B. deaths            C. dying             D. died


27. It was midnight _______ we reached the little town of Princeton.

 A. that               B. until             C. since            D. when


26. -Excuse me, sir. This is a non-smoking school.

 -Oh, sorry.  I _______ that. I won't again.

A. don't know         B. didn't know        C. won't know       D. haven't known


25. The secretary asked her boss whether he had anything more _______ before she went back home. A. to type              B. typed           C. to be typed      D.  has typed


24. I would appreciate _______ if you come to my grandma's birthday party and say "Hello" to her. A. that             B. it           C. you              D. her


23. A lot of coal miners died on the job last year, _______ the local government to shut nearly 500 small mines in Shaxi Province alone.

A. forcing            B. to force           C. forced          D. has forced


22. _______ historic meeting between CPC General Secretary Hu Jintao and KMT Chairman Lian Chan marked a new time in relations across _______ Taiwan Straits.

A. The; a             B. A;  /             C. /;  the           D. The; the


21. -Would you mind if I used your computer for a little while?

  -_______ .

A. No, please don't                        B. I'd rather you didn't

C. I'm afraid not               D. Sure, it's my pleasure

