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4. the government is taking _______ steps towards dealing with the country' s economic problems arising in the reform and opening-up.

  A. subjective      B. attractive     C. respective     D. tentative


3. He said he'd phone you _______ he got home.

  A. while         B. the moment     C. the immediately  D. so soon as


2. This was the ___  for expressions of friendship by the two countries' presidents.

  A. occasion       B. case        C. situation      D. background


1.I am surprised that a company with the good ______ would produce such poor quality goods.

  A. enjoyment      B. appreciation    C. entertainment   D. reputation


99. At last, we found ourselves in a pleasant ark with trees providing shade and _____

   down to eat our picnic lunch.

   A. sitting   B. having sat   C. to sit  D.sat


97. Look out! The ceiling _____ fall down.

   A. is to  B.is going to   C. is about  D. will

98  _____ into use in April 2000, the hotline was meant for residents reporting water and

   heating supply breakdowns.

   A. Put   B. Putting   C. Having put   D. Being put


96. -- Who are those people?

   -- A group ____ itself peace protection.

   A. calling   B. calls  C. called D. is called


95. It was nearly supper time _____  Bob began to feel terrible in his stomach..

   A. that   B. when  C. since  D. until


93. The car passed through the streets _____ we thought was a very dangerous speed.

   A. which   B. at which  C. at what  D. what

94 Is this hospital _____ you once worked for nearly 10 years?

   A. the one   B. where   C. in which  D. the one where


92. The rock star wore, _____ was very uncommon in the country, a brightly red skirt.

   A. which   B. that   C.what  D. it

