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2、I _____ writing the article by the time you get back.

 A. shall finish

 B. must have finished

 C. have finished

 D. shall have finished



1、By the time John gets home, his aunt _____.

 A. will have

 B. leaves

 C. will have left

 D. is leaving



4、过去完成时常用在no sooner …than…, hardly/scarcely/barely…when…,一…就…。句型之中,句子到装。

 (1)No sooner had we sat down _____ we found it was time to go.

 A. than

 B. when

 C. as

 D. while


 (2)Scarcely had he opened the door when a gust of wind blew the candle out.




3、在含有before, after, as soon as 等连词引导的状语从句的复合句中,由于连词本身可以明确表示动作发生的先后顺序,因此,主句和从句都可以用一般过去时表示,而不用过去完成时。

 例:I called him as soon as I arrived.我刚一到就给他打电话。



 例:The chemistry class _____ for five minutes when we hurried there.

 A. had been on

 B. was on

 C. has been on

 D. would be on



1、表示在过去的某一时间或动作之前已经完成了的动作(即过去的过去)。这个过去的某一时间可用by, before等介词或连词引导的短语或一个从句来表示。

 例:About the sixth century A.D. when few Europeans could read, the Chinese _____ paper.

 A. invented

 B. had invented

 C. have invented

 D. had been invented



4、have(has)been to 和have (has)gone to 的区别

 have(has )been to:去过某地(表示某人的一种经历),可以和once,twice,often,never,ever 连用。

 have(has)gone to:去某地了(表示某人已经离开此地,在去某地的路途上或已在某地,所以一般来说此句型只用于第三人称),此句型不能与上述时间状语连用。

 (1)He has gone to America.(意思为他已经去了美国,现在不在此地)

 (2)He has been to America twice. 他去过美国两次。


3、非延续性动词的完成时和it is +时间+since…..(过去时)

 英语中有些动词不能延续, 因此不能和表示延续的时间状语连用。

 (1)He has _____ the army for ten years and is now an officer.

 A. gone into

 B. joined in

 C. been in

 D. come into


 (2)It is 3 years since I left Shanghai .我离开上海已经三年了。

 (如果是非延续动词,这时常用 it is +时间+since 的句型代替,从句用过去时态。)


2、表示过去某时开始的动作一直延续到现在,并且可能会继续延续下去(常用since引导的短语或从句,或由for 引导的短语连用)。

 (1)He has lived here for 30 years. 他住在这儿已经三十年了。(现在还住在这儿)

 (2)They’ve known each other since childhood. 他们从小彼此相识。(现在还继续来往)


1、表示动作刚刚结束(常和just, now, already, yet等词连用);或表示动作的结果(一般不用时间状语)。

 (1)Li Ming has just turned off the light. 李明刚刚把灯关上。(说明现在灯已经关上了)

 (2)I have lost my pen. 我把笔丢了。(说明过去某时丢的,现在我还没有找到这支笔。)

