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44. I have bought such a watch ___ was advertised on TV.

A. that   B. which   C. as   D. it


43. Last summer we visited the West Lake, ___ Hang Zhou is famous in the world.

A. for which  B. for that  C. in which  D. what


42. I lost a book, ____ I can't remember now.

A. whose title  B. its title  C. the title of it   D. the title of that


41. You're the only person ____ I've ever met ___ could do it.

A. who; /   B. /; whom   C. whom; /  D. /; who


40. In our factory there are 2,000 workers, two thirds of ___ are women.

A. them   B. which   C. whom   D. who


39. The letter is from my sister, ___ is working in Beijing.

A. which B. that   C. whom   D. who


38. He talked a lot about things and persons ___ they remembered in the school.

A. which   B. that   C. whom   D. what


37. I don't like ____as you read.

A. the novels  B. the such novels   C. such novels   D. same novels


36. Li Ming, ____ to the concert enjoyed it very much.

A. I went with   B. with whom I went   C. with who I went   D. I went with him


35. He is good at English, __ we all know.

A. that   B. as   C. whom   D. what

