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41. A. room doors     B. front doors   C. windows       D. drawers


40. A. put        B. turned      C. improved          D. realized


39. A. workmate      B. neighbor     C. friend     D. maid(保姆)


38. A. broken       B. unlocked    C. open     D. destroyed


37. A. sudden         B. curious    C. occasional   D. sad


36. A. way           B. lift          C. flat            D. room


13. 无锡市07届高三第三次高考模拟测试

Mrs. Harrington was glad to be back at the block of flats where she lived. Her shopping had tired her. In the  36  her thoughts were on lunch and a good rest; but when she got out at her own floor, both were forgotten in her  37  discovery that front door was  38  . She was thinking she must blame her daily _39_ the next morning for such a terrible piece of carelessness, when she remembered that she had _40 _ both keys in their locks. She walked slowly into the hall and at once noticed that all the _4l_ were open, yet following her regular practice she had shut them before going out. Looking into the drawing room, she saw a scene of _42_ over her writing desk. It was as clear as daylight then that her flat had been broken into during her _43_. Her first angry thought was to go _44_ all the rooms looking for the thieves, but then she decided that at her age it might be more _45_ to have someone with her, so she went to _46_ Mr. Johnson from the first floor. By this time her legs were beginning to tremble, so she sat down and _47_ a cup of very strong tea while he telephoned the police.

Then they went back and through the rooms, being careful to touch _ 48_ , as they didn't want to hinder(妨碍) the police in their search for_49_. It seemed as  though everything she  _50_ had been thrown out and turned over and over. Then a  police officer arrived with a policeman and she told them of her _51_ of her robbed flat. The police officer began to look for fingerprints, while the policeman _52_ that  the front door locks had not been _53_, which proved that the thieves had either  used some _54_ or entered over the balcony (阳台). There was no trace of fingerprints, but the officer found a dirty red pack that contained jewelry which the old lady said was not hers. So the entry into this flat was _55_ not their first job that day.


55. A. believe       B. hope       C. buy        D. take

[ key 36-40 A D B B D  41-45 D A A B C  46-50 C D C A B  51-55 D B A C A]


54. A. money        B. help       C. sight       D. tears


53. A. although      B. if        C. when        D. before

