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37.You did your homework. So I did.       (Ñ)

  You did your homework. So did I.       (P)   



36.Is that teacher from England? I think not.   (Ñ)

  Is that teacher from England? I don't think so. (P)

  [解析] so可以作为代词,代替一个整句,但在作答语时要注意,肯定句中为I think/believe/suppose/hope…so, 但在否定句中则是I don't think/believe/suppose…so,而hope/believe 则应用为I hope/believe not。


35.The little boy asked me a lot of questions, but I still liked him all the same.            (P)

  [解析] 与same有关的习惯用法也与the分不开的all the same为仍然,还有:

    be all the same to somebody (对某人来讲是一样的)

    at the same time (在同一时间)

    come to the same thing (结果相同)


34. I received the same postcard that she received yesterday.                  (Ñ)

    I received the same postcard as she received yesterday.                  (P)

 [解析] the same…as意为与……一样,而the same…that意为就是那个。如:This is the same bike as I lost yesterday.(这与我昨天丢失的自行车一样。即不是我丢失的那辆)

   This is the same bike that I lost yesterday. (这就是我昨天丢失的那辆车)

    Incorrect: The little boy asked me a lot of questions, but I still liked

    him all same.


33. My little brother is quite interested in what I did. He always tried to do same.           (Ñ)

   My little brother is quite interested in what I did. He always tried to do the same.         (P)

 [解析] same用作代词时常常要与the连用,如:

  --- "Have a good weekend?"

  --- "The same to you."


32. -- It is so good weather that everyone wants to go for a picnic.                  (Ñ)

  --- It is such good weather that everyone wants to go for a picnic.                 (P)

[解析] 用在可数名词单数时,两者都可以用,但用法不同,如:

   It is such a good book that everyone likes it.

   It is so good a book that everyone likes it.


   It is such good weather that I want to go swimming.

   They are such good books that I want to buy them all.

   在many, much, little, few这四个字前只能用so,在只有形容词的情况下也只能用so,如:

   She has so much money that she can buy everything she likes.

She is so lovely that everyone likes her.


31. I hope never to meet such another man.    (Ñ)

   I hope never to meet another such man.    (P)

  [解析] such 必须用在no, one, another, some, many, all等词之后。such作代词就是指如前所述的意思,如:I may hurt her feelings, but such was not my intention.但such作形容词的场合更多。


30. I'm tired now. I can't go so far.     (Ñ)

   I'm tired now, so I can't go that far.   (P)

  [解析] this, that在口语中常常可以作副词,表示如此。


29.Under this words she went out of the classroom. (Ñ)

  With these words she went out of the classroom. (P)

 [解析] with this 是习惯用法,

with these words 应译为说着这些话。

     that night(那晚)

     that way/this way(那边/这边)

     by this=by now(到了这个时候)

     at this/that(一听到,一见到/这点就……)

    that is to say(即,就是说)

     with this(这样说着,一面说一面干)


27.The days in summer are longer than this in winter. (Ñ)

  The days in summer are longer than those in winter. (P)

[解析]为了避免重复,可以用that或those来代替句中前面提到的词,如:The book is better than that which was sold in this shop.

 28 ---Study and play are both necessary to students,this gives us  knowledge and that gives us rest. (Ñ)

  ----Study and play are both necessary to students, this gives us rest, and that gives us knowledge. (P)

 [解析] 在that…this和those…these的表达法中that与those表示前者,而this, these表示后者。同样the one…the other 如:Mary and Tom are good at Chinese, the one (Mary) speaks better Chinese than the other (Tom).

